Chapter 4: The Unusual Surprise

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"Enola! Over here!" Tewksbury signaled as Enola ran to the apple orchard. Everyone was exploring and stopping every few minutes to gaze at the beautiful apple blossoms and ripe red apples.

"What is it, Tewksbury? Have you found something interesting?" Enola asked with curiosity, but with no expression on her face. She was still thinking about the night before in the carriage.

"Look at these beautiful blossoms!" Tewksbury picked one off and put it in Enola's hair. He pulled her close by the waist and tucked a strand of hair away as they kissed. Then they went back to looking around the place.

"Tewksbury, you know I don't give a fig about flowers. But I still don't understand why you like them. They're just flowers."

"You're ignorant and willfully so."

"I can change my mind about a boy."

"I'm not a boy **takes a deep breath**, I'm a man now."

"You're a man when I tell you you're a man."

"Fine. But have you seen the ocean view?"

"No, right now I'm focusing on painting a portrait of the orchard to send to Sherlock back home."

"Come on. You can paint later, right now we have to see the beach. I heard they have pink sand."

"Pink sand? Well, that's just absurd! You're going to have to show me in person."

"Well then, why don't we make our way there? My mother is meeting with her friend at our beach house. It's bigger than Basilwether Hall! And I heard-" Tewksbury was interrupted by his mother calling for him.

"Ah, William! I want you to meet Lady Buccellati and her daughter, Victoria Buccellati." Lady Tewksbury said with anticipation. Enola knew that Lady Tewksbury knew that she and Tewksbury were courting. So why would she introduce a new woman to him?

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Buccellati and Victoria Buccellati. My lady and I were just looking around the place. I'm sure you all love living here." Lady Buccellati's expression on her face instantly changed to a confused look and Victoria's changed to an angry, frustrated frown.

Tewksbury whispered to his mother, "Did I say something wrong? Or did I address them wrong?" and then Tewksbury said to the Buccellati's, "I am very sorry if I have said anything wrong."

"I thought you were not yet taken, but it seems like your mother was wrong." Lady Tewksbury's face turned bright red as Tewksbury tried to get out of the conversation.

"I'm sorry about her. Sometimes she forgets I have a lady and, well, ends up saying something she wasn't supposed to."

Enola just stood silently holding Tewksbury's arm, but Victoria grabbed her and pushed her away from him.

"Mother! I thought you said he wasn't taken! But even if he is now, he doesn't have good taste at all!"

"Excuse me!? At least I don't overdo my makeup and look like a powder puff!" Enola insulted her as she took Tewksbury's arm. "Come along, Tewksbury! We have lots more things to do and places to go. Hmph!" She marched away with Tewksbury as Lady Tewksbury was constantly trying to apologize to them about the "mix-up". This was going to be a long and exciting stay, for Enola has competition.

Enola and Tewksbury |COMPLETED|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang