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It was Saturday, the fifteenth of October. The day I ought to meet Axel after thirteen long years, but also the day he would devote his life to someone. Realizations awaken me as if I had been hit by a sledge hammer in the head. The sound of the wind is soothing me and whispering in my ears that I should bury my unrequited love for him.

I'm quite melancholic and my feelings are flashing like thunderbolt. I'm well-aware that he moved on a long time ago, but I'm still mired here in the illusion of my teenage dream.

After calling Rachel to fetch me from my house, I waited for her while seated on the couch. I am wearing a sapphire blue cocktail dress that suits my Italian bob haircut and very light makeup on my face. I just wanted it to look as simple as possible.

I left my crib as soon as Rachel arrived, got in her car, and started driving away.

"Girl, you look stunning." She praises.

"Or should I say You ate and left no crumbs?" Totally slay."  She added, and we started to laugh.

"Thank you, sissy, you are too." I complimented her back.

Rachel is wearing a white and cream strapless dress, matching her flawless tan skin and caramel brown hair styled in a side-curl up.

"By the way, how did Axel reach out to you?" I randomly asked.

"Actually, girl, he followed me on Instagram last week and DM'd me. He requested my address so he could send me his wedding invitations and told me to give you one." She answered.

It turned into something like a 30-minute drive before we reached our destination. As we arrived, we immediately parked the car and got outside. I was so amused with the state-of-the-art Catholic Church that was in front of me. It was vast and magnificent. We followed people in their elegant attire as they entered the chapel.

I froze for a brief moment as we approached the open front door, I had no idea someone might cross my vision. It was Aunt Fey, Axel's mother.

"Jean?" She spoke as her eyes widened in delight and excitement. She approached me swiftly and gave me a warm hug. "I haven't seen you in a long time. You are still beautiful. I'm glad you came darling."

"I miss you, aunt." I smiled at her endearingly.

"Aw, I miss you too. I heard you are now a Doctor." she asked.

"Yes aunt, I'm a surgeon in Bennett Memorial Hospital ."

"Wow, I'm so proud of you, darling." She smiled, and our conversation quickly devolved into small talk.

As Rachel and I entered, we decided to take the front-row seat.

Every seat that was vacant was filled minute by minute, and I could sense how effectual this big event had been planned. The setting was absolutely wonderful in terms of art and style.

The ceremony started the next thing I can recall. The priest was already standing at the altar, and I could hear melodious gentle jazz music playing in the background.

As the entrance moment started, all of the guests paused and turned their heads toward the spotlight.

I saw Axel first.

Time froze for me, and everything moved slowly. He looked as stunning as ever and was gleaming in his black tuxedo. My chest started to feel slightly heavy, and my heart started to beat quickly. I'm glad I finally got to see him again after a long long years. He is the man of my dreams.

Before, I believed he would be the love of my life, the potential husband, and the person I can spend the rest of my life with. However, fate had other plans for us, and now he is getting married with another girl.

Then I turned to face the bride, who I thought was lovely, sweet, and angelic in her white bridal gown.

I wanted to be her at that precise time. I could see the excitement and ecstasy on her face. They actually complement each other well. They look both happy.


"In the name of God, I, Axel Mcklein

Take you, Rose Smith, to be my wife.

To have and to hold

from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish,

Till death do us part."

"Groom, you are now permitted to kiss the bride" the priest said.

Everyone applauded and I was in the front row, watching closely as Axel's lips touched her and how joyously he gazed at her

My lips are seeking for it, and getting hurt is a foregone conclusion.

I persuaded Rachel to leave the church right away after the wedding ceremony In order to avoid social interaction especially with Axel.

"Rey, Let's go home, I still have errands to do." I stood up hurriedly from my seat.

"Are you sure you're not going to talk to him? like simply congratulate him." She said.

I was having second thoughts about her words, but at that very moment all I wanted to do was leave the
church. I want to return home, get
Some rest, and let the day go by.
Perhaps his marriage clearly gives me the closure. My fantasy came to an end, and now was the perfect opportunity to bury my leftover feelings for him. I still have a life to live, and I ought to have moved on with it.

A deep male voice called my name and appeared as we were leaving the church. "Jean?" he uttered.

I paused and turned around, it was him.

"ohh, It's been a long time. Thank you for coming." He grinned as he gave me a hug. 

"How are you? It's been ages since we meet again, Jean. And Rachel, I miss you and your goofiness." he added.

"We missed you too." Rachel responded.

I was momentarily speechless. I'm not sure how to speak, but I have to maintain my composure.

"Hey, congrats." I smiled at him, a faked one.

"It's been around thirteen years since the last time I saw you. you look  great on that tuxedo. by the way, Best of luck with your new chapter in life." I continued enthusiastically.

"Thank you Jean. But, I gotta go back now inside. Can I get your phone number Instead? or your Instagram name? " he pleaded while rushing.

I was speechless for a sec but I manage to answer him.

"Sure, It's Jean_Davis."

"Got it! Jean. Once again, I appreciate you and Rachel for coming. Have a safe drive you two." he quickly turned around and went off.

I was astonished and started to overthink things.

Rachel then questioned

"Girl, Why did he ask for your Instagram name?"

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