Does Mike love Will?

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Mike went over to Will's desk and looked at it. What were you writing? he asked. A letter, Will said.

To who? Mike asked.

Will was hyperventilating.
Will!! Mike yelled. Will fell to the floor.

Joyce came running in.
Will!! she yelled.

Mike helped Will up to his feet. You ok? Mike asked. Yeah, yeah: yeah, I am ok, Will said. Ok, Mike murmured as he sat Will down on his bed. You ok, Mike repeatedly ask.

Joyce came in and put her hand on Will's shoulder. You ok, Will?
Yeah . . . Will murmured.

Its ok, Will. Mike breathed. I think he needs space, Joyce spoke.

Mike started to walk away, then Will told his mom he wanted Mike in the room.

Wait. Joyce said to Mike.

Yes? Mike asked. Will wants you to stay, Joyce said.

Mike walked up to Will's bed.

Mike was taller than Will; had darker lips than Will.

Will? Mike asked as he sat next to him.

Will motioned with his eyes for his mom to leave the room.
Will, tell me, will you be ok? Joyce asked her son. . . . Yes, Will murmured. Joyce started to cry. I could tell she was worried for Will. Mike? Will murmured. Yes? I asked. Will layed his head on my shoulder. My face started to go hot.

I was sweating, I was heating.

Will looked up at me and smiled. It made me smile.
I will be ok, Will whispered to Mike.

I am glad, Mike said in a cool way.

Mike had blush on his cheeks.

I love you, Mike, Will confessed.

Mike looked at Will with wide–eyes.
Wait— Mike sputtered.

Will, want to have a sleepover again? I asked him. I started to blush even redder.
Will was blushing as well. I wonder . . . I mean, I know Will is gay, but—
Yes, Will said.

I was shocked, I was in my head and I got spooked by his response, it felt like only 4 seconds. Awesome, I muttered.

Will smiled and looked away. I could see his smile.

I over heard your boy's plans, Joyce said peeking her head in Will's room. Mom, can we? Will asked. Sure: after what you have been through, of course.

Will smiled. I kept staring at his beautiful smile.

You ok, Mike? Joyce asked caring dirty clothes in a basket. Will looked at me, and my face started to heat up. Will seemed like he knew what was happening to me, he got up and told his mom to go, and that I was ok. His mom walked away, with nothing to say; Will closed his door and blushed and smiled at me. I didn't say anything. I just couldn't with his smile. I never would have thought—

Mike. H–h–huh? I sputtered.

You are acting weird, Will said. He still had light–read, pinkish, cheeks.

Oh . . . yeah, sorry, I sputtered. I looked away. I can't betray Eleven, but would she understand? I care for her very much. I also care for Will. Will does like boys, but I don't know if I do. I am very confused.

Will, after the Demigorgian, how do you feel about me? I asked as I got up from Will's bed and walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

I am just glad to see you, like actually be here, he said.

Ok, I said, my face cooling down. He looked at me concerned. Mike, are you sure you are okay? he asked concerned.

Y–yeah. I said.
Hey Will, Jonathan opened the door and spoke. What, Jonathan? Will replied. Dinners ready, he said. Also mom is telling Mrs. Wheeler that Mike is staying.

Shit, I forgot about dinner, Mike relized.
As Mike said that in his head, Will shook Mike a little bit like Mike did to Will when Will was possessed by the Demigorgian.

Will, we have dinner at my place, remember? Mike reminded Will. Will's eyes went wide. Obviously he forgot. Will your parents be mad? Will asked. I don't think so, I said.
Okay then, its settled, Jonathan said. I will tell Mrs. Wheeler that you are staying. Alright, I said. Will, I came to talk to you, I mumbled. The door creaked and Joshua left the room. What is it? Will asked. I want to know if you are ok, I was really worried about you when the Demidogs attacked. I am ok, Will insisted. But I didn't believe it. Are you sure? I asked. Yes, Will insisted. "Are you sure?" I repeated. Yes, I am sure, he insisted.

I finally believe him.

Remember when we used to hold hands? But they assumed we were dating, so we stopped? Will asked. Yeah, I muttered.

Wanna hold hands again? he asked. He was blushing pinkish red again. I grabbed his hands.
Why do you wanna hold hands so bad? I asked. Oh—! Because— Will sputtered. Because I missed the old things we used to do, he lied. Oh okay, Mike believed the lie of his best friend.

We zoned out into each others eyes for a few seconds and then Will said: "Lets get to the table." Okay, I murmured.

Will led me out the door and we headed for the wooden table.

My hair was also longer than Wills.

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