Chapter 5

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Cadence let out a menacing growl as she walked alone into what seemed like an underground chamber when she saw Peter. She broke into a full speed run and launched herself at him. She pinned him to the wall and gripped his throat tightly, claws digging into the flesh hard enough to draw a little blood. "You didn't tell me McCall and your nephew were still here." She growled.

"I didn't think that was an important detail." Peter shrugged, indisposition mixing with carelessness in his tone. "That shouldn't be an issue for you, though. You're a strong alpha."

"Not as strong as McCall and your nephew combined." Cadence snarled and let go of him. She began pacing as plans started forming in her mind. "And especially with their pack. My pack and I are strong but not as strong compared to them."

"So kidnap one of them." Peter responded nonchalantly. "Kidnap one of the humans, the banshee, the chameleon, anyone. Though," he mused, looking like he was lost in thought, "my nephew has developed a crush on one of the humans. Stilinski. God, he's extremely annoying." Peter sighed. "I have a feeling his crush might have evolved into love now." He shrugged. "But kidnap whoever's the easiest to kidnap."

Cadence groaned in frustration and leaned against a wall. "I'll see what I can do." She looked up at the ceiling.

"You said you had him taken care of." A voice growled, echoing in the chamber followed by a slight flutter of what sounded like wings.

"Who the fuck is that?" Cadence glared at Peter.

"No one you need to worry about." Peter shrugged her question off. "It's best you don't ask, either. And put your eyes away, there's no need to show them. You're not in danger."

Cadence was quiet but listened to Peter and let herself relax.

"Peter." The voice spoke again, the tone sounding more irked.

Peter sighed in annoyance. "I am taking care of him. I told you I'd kidnap him so I could bring him to you. Why do you think I asked Cadence to come here, aside from driving McCall's pack out?"

The voice sighed. There was a soft thud on the ground this time before the creature walked out into the light, letting the shadows it normally used to disguise itself fall away. Cadence stared in shock, having never seen this type of creature before. "Cadence. I don't believe we've officially met. I would shake your hand but............" The creature held a hand up and at the tips of its fingers were very, very long and sharp claws. "These would hurt you a lot. And I don't think you'd be able to heal from a scratch given from these." It said with a malicious grin.

Cadence swallowed and nodded. There wasn't much that could scare an alpha but this creature did. "You didn't tell me your name."

"You don't need to know that. Just focus on what I can do to you if you don't get me what I want. Bring the human, Stilinski. I have some wonderful plans for him." It drawled out the wonderful in an amusing way.

Cadence nodded. "Alright. I'll bring him to you. Where do you want him?"

"Here will do just fine. I've got some special things to test on him."

Cadence nodded once more. "Understood. You want me to kidnap him to get under McCall's and Hale's skin so you can drive them out of their territory?" Cadence looked to Peter who nodded confirmation. "And you want me to bring him here?" She looked back at the creature face it.

"Yes." The creature spoke. "Get me what I want and your pack will be free to move in and claim this town as yours. If you don't, I'll take my delicious time in devouring each and every one of you. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." Cadence's throat was tight. This creature was good at intimidation.

"Good. I'll leave you two to your own." It trilled and flapped its wings, returning to wherever it was perched before.

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