Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Revelations

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The cold night air crisped through the air of a city soon to be named Musutafu. Laid in the middle of a destroyed crossroad was a figure dressed in black with a menacing aura around him. His eyes pierced through his skull mask's glass eyes and onto an unsettling shadow opposing him.

The shadow sprouted limbs, eyes and fangs as it snarled, injecting fear to the unfortunate critters in the night. But the figure stood still, a thin sword in hand with a glowing blade was pointed at the shadow before preparing a striking stance.

An inhuman screech rang through the area as it charged.

"May it's blade end your suffering."

One swift sweep towards the neck and a faint blade strike of energy though it's chest was all the figure landed. Right as the figure turned around, the shadow staggered but seemed unscathed.

"Was that supposed to do something human?"

"*Chuckle, as if you aren't dead already."

Before the shadow's inhuman voice could respond, it's limbs were chained to them ground by light. A huge sword appeared from the sky and disintegrated the monster in its dark void blade.

The figure sheathed his sword and snapped his fingers which turned the entire environment into shards of glass.

"Well done kid, shape the reality again and return it to the way it was."

"Yes dad.", the figure replied to a voice in his head as a sense of feeling returned to him while walking on a thin fabric of mirror that reflected the space around.

Surroundings of glass reshaped into a very normal crossroad with no damage at all. Normal people were seen around doing their own agenda, some in vehicles and some in barefoot while the figure walked into a nearby alleyway.

"Something wrong?"

"Just thinking... is there no other way to take care of those manifestations?"

"No, stop your delusions and get back on your job as a void keeper."

Silence agreement was all the figure let out as he put on his trench cot's hood on and walked away from the location.

I really hope no residue aether energy was left there; my void should eat it.

Unknown that in a nearby sidewalk on that crossroad, a lump of weird energy formed between the two dimensions which emitted light and it went in stasis, waiting for it to be reacted once again.

In Aldera Junior High it was lunch period, multiple students were gathering at the cafeteria, each one with a unique quirk either emitter, mutant or transformer type. But one student wasn't in the cafeteria, rather out on the garden.

His viridian bushy hair contrasted the black uniform he wore, he sat down on a nearby bench while pulling a sandwich from his pocket.

At least Katsuki didn't trash my lunch...

While he felt the savoury taste in his mouth, his heart was left bitter. A sting of pain rang from his shoulder which he recoiled from. He finished the sandwich before inspecting his shoulder, a memory of a spiky blond with smokes coming out of his hands.

He looked beside and saw a group of kids approaching him, led by a female student with long hair which colour is identical to his. Blue eyes were the only difference from his green ones.

The boy stood up quickly and tried to walk away without the group noticing but the girl's voice signified he was too late. "So you were here all along Izuku. I can't believe you didn't tell your sister first."

Izuku Yagi: the Void Keeper |MHA|Where stories live. Discover now