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Yoongi's mother starts dating another man when Yoongi turns twelve.

Jung Hyungwon. A very wealthy man.

He's kind to Yoongi. He buys Yoongi gifts every time he comes over, and he has a really huge smile on his face all the time. He's a producer, Yoongi heard his mother say one day. He apparently knows a lot of popular celebrities because of his work. And Yoongi is happy. He's glad that his mother is giving love another chance. Yoongi wants his mother to be happy too even after his father left.

She was devastated when she found out about her husband's sudden death years ago. Yoongi was too. Yoongi didn't know how he could even get over that mess, but Jungkook was always there to comfort him and to show him that everything would be okay. Yoongi owes Jungkook a lot for always being so understanding and selfless.

They started living with Hyungwon six months into his mother's relationship with him. It was too fast, Yoongi thinks. But he doesn't really have a say in it. His mother is very happy to be with her lover, and that's enough for Yoongi.

Hyungwon has a son, Hoseok. He's just like his father. Evidently rich, and with that huge smile always etched on his face.

Yoongi didn't like Hoseok at first. He feels like the boy looks too fake, like he's not being genuine with what he's showing to others.

But not once did Hoseok slip. That smile is always on his face and sometimes, it makes Yoongi's skin crawl. Especially when the boy is staring at him during dinner without even blinking. Yoongi asks his mother one time why Hoseok is acting weird, and she just says that Yoongi's just imagining things because Hoseok is a sweetheart and there's no way that he would be what Yoongi assumes.

But the thing is, Yoongi's mother is too deeply in love with her lover that she never sees what Yoongi sees.

Hoseok is most definitely different. He's always trying to get too close to Yoongi, and Yoongi doesn't like it. Especially since he has never been that close to anyone else other than Jungkook.

Yoongi goes to the same school as Jungkook and not once did he mention about Hoseok's existence. He knows that Jungkook would be upset again and he doesn't want that to happen.

Yoongi comes home one day to the sight of his ruined bedroom. His clothes are scattered everywhere, windows smashed open with his bed having these marks which strangely looks like someone ripped it open with a knife. He tells his mother immediately, and Hyungwon sent people to fix his bedroom.

"All of your belongings are ruined inside the bedroom. I don't think you should go there for a while. Just until everything's fixed and replaced."

"Even my clothes?" he asks, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. Who would have the intention to do that?

"Yes, Yoongi. We'll buy you new ones tomorrow. Wear Hoseok's clothes for now," Hyungwon states, in which Yoongi only nodded in response.

"But where will he sleep? Do we have any more available rooms?" Soojin asks, worried about her son.

Something's suspicious about the attack. Only Yoongi's room is ruined. His belongings even stayed intact, nothing was stolen, just ruined for whatever purpose. And there were more glass shards outside of the window compared to the floor inside, so it means that whoever did it broke the window from the inside. That could only mean that the thief didn't force his way inside through the window. Instead, the thief most probably got in through the bedroom door.

escape | ot6 + yoongiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang