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"Where are you going?" Hoseok says as soon as Yoongi starts squirming in an attempt to get out of bed. He plans on meeting Jungkook today and he can't really be late because the boy would surely be upset since they haven't spent time together in so long.

"I'm meeting Jungkook today."

"No, you're not. You're staying here."

"But I have to-"

"I said you're fucking staying here, Yoongi. You're not leaving."

Yoongi feels shivers all over his body at the sudden shift of Hoseok's mood. He was so silent last night. Yoongi thought he wasn't angry anymore.

"Hoseok, let me go," he mutters, trying to push Hoseok's arms away from him.

But the boy wouldn't budge. Instead, he pushes Yoongi's back against the bed, his own body trapping the smaller boy under.

"Hoseok," Yoongi calls, already panicking. He places his hands against Hoseok's chest, trying to push him away. "What the fuck are you doing? Move. Let me go."

Hoseok looks absolutely livid, eyes intense and jaw locked. "I was trying, Yoongi. I didn't do anything because I love you. You can't fucking do this to me. I know who you were with last night." His hand grips Yoongi's jaw tightly, making the boy flinch. "How dare you do that when you're mine, Yoongi? How fucking dare you?"

This isn't Hoseok, Yoongi refuses to believe it. Hoseok is kind. He's not like this.

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi asks, lips trembling in fear. "Hoseok, you're scaring me. Let me go. T-this isn't funny, okay?"

Hoseok smirks, thumb grazing Yoongi's lips. "I should've taken you when I had the chance."

Yoongi feels his heart stop completely. "Let go of me right now."

"No. You really think I'll let you go while knowing that you'll run off to those bastards?"

Yoongi feels something inside of him snap. He gathers all of his remaining strength and pushes Hoseok off of him before running out of the room. He crashes into one of their maids, but he didn't have the time to apologize as he hears the door behind him slamming open, Hoseok's voice entering his ears. He picks himself up and runs towards the front door, pulling it open and leading his feet to a familiar direction. To a place where he feels safe. To Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks as soon as he opens the door to reveal Yoongi who looks like he's about to cry, paired with his heavy breathing from running all the way there.

Yoongi nods, letting out a loud sob before wrapping his arms tightly around Namjoon. Namjoon just hugs him back, not wanting to upset the boy even more.

"What's happening?" It's Taehyung.

Yoongi lifts his head up only to see Taehyung standing there with a wound on his neck. Yoongi releases Namjoon immediately, running off to Taehyung to examine the wound. "What happened? Does it hurt? Who did this to you?" he rambles, completely forgetting what happened with Hoseok, and instead, focusing on Taehyung.

Taehyung and Namjoon's eyes meet briefly. "It's Jungkook. He visited earlier and he just attacked me so suddenly." Yoongi freezes completely. Why is everything so wrong right now? "I was so scared. He's really a psychopath. He got mad because you were with us last night. I'm just glad he didn't attack Namjoon-hyung, you know?"

Yoongi gulps, pulling himself away from Taehyung. "I'm sorry," he mutters. "It's my fault. I- I shouldn't have brought you two into this mess. I'm so sorry."

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