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The very next day, Yoongi goes back home with Hoseok and Seokjin, telling Hyungwon that he chooses to marry Seokjin at some point. Hyungwon agrees, especially after seeing how Seokjin is treating Yoongi so good already, holding his hand and making him smile. Yoongi looks so comfortable with Seokjin too. A little too comfortable than normal, but Hyungwon didn't pay too much attention to it. What's important is Yoongi managed to make a decision already.

Hoseok talks to his father and Yoongi's mother about their plan on moving out together, stating reasons that they need to be independent since they're too old already, and Hyungwon immediately agrees, wanting his son to learn how to take care of himself. Soojin cries while hugging Yoongi on the day they're about to leave, not quite ready to let go of her son yet. But Yoongi just tells her that he's with Hoseok and everything will be okay as long as they're together.

And just like what they've formerly discussed, they all started to live together in Jimin's penthouse. It's huge, surrounded by enough guards to ensure their safety, and enough room to fit them too.

Jimin initially thought that Yoongi would be too scared to go back because of how he was locked up in there for three whole months, but surprisingly enough, Yoongi seems excited to be there, telling them how much he missed the place. They settled surprisingly fast, not minding wherever they are as long as they finally have Yoongi.

They still don't allow Yoongi to go out though, at least not without any of them to accompany him, fearing that Yoongi might wake up one day and decide that he wants to leave, or to have anyone else try to take Yoongi away from them. It's risky, and none of them is willing to let Yoongi leave. Not that Yoongi minds though. Ever since he got there, he never wanted to go out. He spends all of his time with the other six, satisfied with just being there with them.

Yoongi tells them that he loves them all the time, and honestly, it's more than what they've dreamed of.

Taehyung and Jungkook still fights from time to time, when Jungkook gets pissed off and annoyed with the other. They settle their problems with violence which will end with the two of them covered in wounds and bruises. Yoongi would see and he'll be upset, not talking to them for a whole day. This made the two stop fighting, not wanting to be ignored by Yoongi ever again, especially since Yoongi runs off to Seokjin all the time when he's upset. He seems to develop this sudden dependence on Seokjin ever since the day Daejung died.

They still take Yoongi out sometimes to visit some beautiful places, just to have fun because they don't want him to get tired of being locked up. It always ends badly though, because the moment they turn their backs on Yoongi for a few moments, there's always someone trying to hit on him, not stopping no matter how uncomfortable Yoongi looks. They always end up threatening a lot of people when that happens, and the men always run away, scared for their lives. It gets even worse sometimes, when a man is a lot more persistent, even trying to touch Yoongi inappropriately. When Yoongi cries, feeling violated, they don't even hesitate in taking the man's life, no ounce of regret at all. No one touches Yoongi and gets away with it.

At some point, Yoongi actively refuses going out. He doesn't want to go out anymore, convinced that everyone really is out to get him, to hurt him. He says that he just wants to stay with the boys, wants to be theirs forever and no one else's.

They could never deny the satisfaction they feel whenever this happens.

Yoongi looks absolutely beautiful in bed, so much more than what Jimin could ever try to explain. He's so used to satisfying the boys, even though it's a struggle with them being six.

Seokjin argues that he doesn't fuck Yoongi, because he makes love to him. Seokjin is absolutely whipped for the younger boy, feeling satisfaction in his chest every time he fucks into Yoongi so slowly, listening to Yoongi's ragged breathing and small moans of Seokjin's name. He likes to whisper sweet nothings in Yoongi's ear as he moves slowly, hitting just the right spot and making Yoongi come all over their chests. It gets even better when Seokjin hears Yoongi tell him that he loves him too, nails buried on Seokjin's broad shoulders as Seokjin empties himself inside of Yoongi.

Namjoon loves to fuck Yoongi on all fours, wanting to see how Yoongi's hole clamps around his cock, with Yoongi clutching the covers under him and pushing his hips back against Namjoon's thrusts. Namjoon loves to hold Yoongi's hips tightly, leaving finger-shaped bruises all over his pale skin. He fucks Yoongi. Hard. Hard enough for the headboard to leave dents on the wall, the sound accompanied by Yoongi's loud cries as Namjoon pounds into him harder and faster until he spills inside, making a mess out of Yoongi.

Jimin sticks to his routine from before, fucking Yoongi anywhere but the bed. His strength allows him to manhandle Yoongi despite his height, carrying him towards the glass wall and fucking Yoongi hard against it. He fucks Yoongi everywhere. On the wall, on the kitchen counter (in which they get a lot of scolding from Seokjin), on the table, in the bathroom, on the couch, everywhere they possibly can. He also likes it when someone's watching him fuck Yoongi, mostly Jungkook, since it pisses him off and Jimin knows that Jungkook still holds a grudge against him for being the one who took Yoongi's first.

Jungkook fucks Yoongi even worse than Namjoon. They couldn't count how many beds Jungkook has broken during those six months they've been living together so far. Jungkook has a lot of pent up anger, with the regret of not taking Yoongi when he had the chance. He channels all this anger when he's fucking Yoongi, only ever feeling the satisfaction when Yoongi is a crying mess under him, covered with his come. He gets even worse after he sees Jimin fucking Yoongi. He always wants to prove that he's better than Jimin, fucking Yoongi all night until he couldn't walk the next day. He always gets scolded for breaking beds and causing Yoongi too much pain, but he just smiles proudly all the time, saying something about how Yoongi enjoys it too. Yoongi never denied the accusation. Not even once.

Taehyung sticks to being called a psychopath, living up to his title. He comes home with blood all over his clothes, making Yoongi worry. But he'll just say that it isn't his blood and Yoongi would invite him to shower together. Taehyung loves fucking Yoongi in the shower, leaving him a crying mess as Taehyung leaves bite marks all over his neck, sucking and biting on his chest to leave more marks. He has always voiced out his desire to give Yoongi some sort of mark to show their possession over him, and the others are still debating over that. But until Yoongi finally has a permanent mark to satisfy Taehyung, he'll settle for fucking Yoongi with his self-made marks covering his skin.

Hoseok likes to see Yoongi work for it. He feels this weird satisfaction in seeing Yoongi above him, desperately trying to fit Hoseok's cock inside his hole, sliding down slowly to swallow him whole. Hoseok absolutely loves the cries Yoongi lets out while he's riding Hoseok, giving up at some point and begging Hoseok to just fuck him against the mattress in while Hoseok will instantly comply, turning him over and fucking harshly into him at a fast pace. Hoseok is also the most likely to fuck Yoongi awake in the morning, wanting to see Yoongi panic as he wakes up with a cock up his ass, with Hoseok smirking in satisfaction above him.

Yoongi loves being with them.

He realizes that there's no use to being scared of them because they only want what's best for him. Because he's lucky for having these six men with him, wanting nothing but to protect him from the world. Yoongi is so lucky to be loved by them, and he would never ask for anything more.

Yoongi is the happiest inside this home, and he will never, ever leave.

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