Chapter 7

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To be honest, when we passed that gate I was sure we were getting back in the forest.

Imagine my surprise when we found ourselves in what seemed another small village.

Me:"What the hell, is this for real?"

Vengeance:"Well, it could have gone worse if there was a creepy old castle."

Jimenez:"Ah, the hospice. Yes...Leslie was being treated here years ago. He'd come here thinking it was familiar and safe."

Sebastian:"You know where we are?"

Vengeance:"How come you didn't recognize the path?"

But he just looked the big house in the middle of the zone ignoring them.

Jimenez:"Just ahead is the hospice my brother runs. He'll take us in."

Me:"That wasn't a big answer."

Jimenez:"I honestly don't know. For all I know I'm losing my mind and you're just a delusion. But I'd like to think I still have a shred of dignity and an obligation to protect my patient."

It sounded like an excuse. Even our new friend cop wasn't buying it.

Jimenez:"Pheraps it's hard for you youngsters, but as an officer of the law you should too."

After he went ahead, Sebastian just grumbled.

Sebastian:"Hope his brother is not a jerk, too..."

Vengeance:"What, don't like being a cop? You're still luckier than Leon. Poor bast**d always had trouble his first day of work, both as a cop and as a bodyguard."

Me:"And you had nothing to do with it?"

Vengeance:"Moi? I just gave him a hand with the situation."

I honestly doubt it.

Sebastian:"Well enough chit-chat. Let's go."

However when we were abot to knock the door, we found out  it was open.

Sebastian:"I don't like this..."

Jimenez:"It's alright, my brother can be rather forgetful, it's not the first time it happens."

Me:"Isn't it worring with all those monsters around?"

He just entered ignoring my question. Sebastian followed him while Vengeance got close to me.

Vengeance:"He has 'guilty' written in the face."

Me:"I don't trust him either, but there's little we can do for now."

We reached them and we began hearing a weird voice.

It was whispering, but the words didn't make sense.

We entered in a room separated by a small curtain.

Sebastian drew his gun, and I was ready with the knife, while the doctor just went ahead.

Sebastian:"(Whispering) Doc, no, don't-"

Jimenez:"Valerio, it's me."

He stopped in front of us.

Jimenez:"This is my brother, Valerio, Leslie's original doctor..."

When he turned to his brother he stopped talking, his jaw still open by the shock.

We all rushed by his side and could see why.

The man was giving us the shoulder, working on a table.

There was a corpse there, and he was ripping off pieces of meat, throwing them on the ground.

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 9: In The Mind Of A PsychoWhere stories live. Discover now