Pot O' Gold

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Disclaimer Nope, don't own anything but my imagination.

After losing Mercedes and the musical having its funding cut, the glee club wasn't in a very good mood.

Blaine remembered that Kurt told him that there was a lot of drama, but Blaine didn't expect this much drama.

They were acting like it was the end of the world, and Blaine knew it wasn't.

They just had to look on the bright side, so when Finn started telling them just that, Blaine was happy someone wasn't such a downer.

"The point is, right now we shouldn't be turning on each other," Finn said to the group, and Blaine found it the perfect time to cut in.

"I agree," he said standing up. I can only speak from my experience with the Warblers, but no show choir is just one person, it's a team.

When we lost a Warbler, we just replaced him with another one."

"Which is when your waiting list has a waiting list," Finn shot back, rudely might Blaine add. It was weird for the boy to talk down to him because he had thought they were friends.

"Dude, I know you're a big deal at Dalton, or whatever, but we don't wear blazers here, so have a seat. I'm trying to give a pep talk."

"Didn't you just say something about us not turning on each other?" Blaine muttered, sitting back down in defeat.

He couldn't believe that he was just talked down to when he was trying to help.

He sat back and tuned the rest of the talking out. Finn had never spoken to anyone like that before, so he couldn't believe that he did it to him.

They were told that to save the musical, they were going to have to sell ads, and Blaine thought that was a pretty good idea.

A lot of businesses would pay to have an ad, so there was still hope. Kurt even seemed into the idea, so Blaine let the comment roll off his back as they gathered their bags.

"And guys," Mr. Schue said before they got up.

"I don't care what Sue does or who leaves us, everyone in this group's dreams are going to come true this year. Let's do it."

Kurt got up quickly, and Blaine followed him out the door. It was a struggle to keep up with him.

"So are you going to go sell some ads right now?"

Kurt turned to glance at him, slowing down a bit. "Yeah, I'm going to start at my dad's shop then work my way around town.

I know he will buy one if I tell him about what is going on. I'm sure he'll buy a couple actually."

Blaine nodded. "Do you want me to come with?"

He would like to spend some alone time with Kurt seeing as they hadn't had much time alone in a while.

"No, it's fine." Kurt paused. "Besides, I think we'll do better if we split up and go to separate places.

We have to save this musical." He smiled, oblivious to Blaine disappointment

"I'll see you later?" He smiled and moved down the hall quickly.

Blaine sighed and took hold of his bag and turned walking down the hallway. He knew it was important, but he couldn't wait until the election was over. He would finally get his boyfriend back.

Two days later, Blaine was thinking about things, zero ads sold. He didn't actually try the day before because he found himself worrying about New Directions instead.

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