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Disclaimer: I do this to expand Klaine, but I do not own it.

Blaine hummed to himself as he tried to focus on his homework. It was stupid Pre-Calculus.

Of course it was easy, but he just didn't want to do it, especially since his boyfriend was currently just feet away in the bathroom.

He would try and focus, but his mind drifted to the fact that graduation was in two weeks.

He wouldn't be able to go over and do his homework on Kurt's bed anymore after this year, well he could but it would be a little awkward.

He heard the toilet flush and then the sink turn on. As he looked up, seeing all the sticky notes covering everything, something caught his eye that was out of place.

Hanging out of Kurt's bag was a dress? He pushed himself up out of curiosity and crossed the room, pulling out the silky material. He didn't know what this could be for.

The door opened, so Blaine turned to his boyfriend with raised eyebrows. "Do you have something to tell me? I mean I'm all for flair, but the dress might be a little too much."

Kurt looked shocked, but that settled into annoyance. "No, that's just something Sue gave me. She seriously is the worst person I have ever met."

Blaine laughed and sat back down on the edge of the bed. "So, why did Sue give you a slinky dress? Are her baby hormones making her see things? I'm pretty sure the last time I checked you were one hundred percent male."

Kurt sighed, sitting next to him. He ran his fingers through his hair, mostly out of habit. "You remember Wade? I told you about him. He's in Vocal Adrenaline and goes by the stage name Unique when he performs?"

Blaine nodded, remembering. "He came to you and Mercedes for guidance, right?" Kurt nodded. "I remember him. What does he have to do with Sue giving you a dress?"

"Well she said it was Mercedes and my fault that everyone seems to love him, or her I guess. So to pay back for what we did, she wants me to perform at Nationals on stage in that dress as Porcelina."

"Oh," Blaine said, trying to hide his smile. "That is crazy. Are you going to do it? I mean if you look on the upside, it would be a chance to get a solo."

"I am a boy. I know that people who are gay like to cross dress, but not me. I just like to look fabulous.

I am not going to go perform in front on the audience of who knows how many people in a dress. I like how I look in pants thank you very much."

"I understand. It's not fair that since you are gay, that you have to go and put a dress on. It's totally wrong.

It would be the same thing to just send me out on that stage in a dress, but she didn't come up to ask me. Don't do anything you don't want to."

"I will not be doing that, even if it means losing. Thanks for supporting me because everyone else thinks I'm stupid for not doing it."

Blaine smiled and scooted closer to him, wiggling his eyebrows. "So...let's talk about the big elephant in the room."

When Kurt raised an eyebrow, Blaine continued. "When am I going to see you in the dress? It's only fair. You never know, it could look amazing on."

Kurt smacked his arm playfully, rolling his eyes. "I am not putting that dress on. Why would I?"

Blaine pulled out his secret weapon, his big, irresistible puppy dog eyes. "Stop it with that look. I'm not doing it."

"Fine," Blaine said, pouting. He sighed overdramatically and moved back to his pile of homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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