Big brother

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Kurt knew something bad was going to happen; he just knew it. Finn was complaining to Rachel about starting the wedding, but she wouldn't have it. Quinn wasn't there.

Kurt's stomach was doing flips, and not the good kind either. He knew something was going to go wrong. Where was Quinn?

So that's why when Mr. Schue got the phone call, Kurt stood and walked over to him, the others following on his tail.

He was on the phone for no more than five minutes before he turned around and his face said it all, it said what Kurt had been thinking all day.

Something happened. When he told everyone that Quinn was in a car accident, the girls, especially Rachel and Tina, started crying.

Kurt felt like he was going to throw up, and the others hurried to gather everything to leave the city hall.

They all piled into their cars and set off for the hospital; Kurt and Blaine in Blaine's car, while Burt and Carole took Kurt's.

When safely inside the car, Kurt let the tears fall, he didn't care anymore and no one was around to see him.

He just wished that he could have stopped it. It was so obvious.

She wasn't there and was so late, not answering her phone. It could have been prevented.

Blaine held his hand and tried to soothe him, and it helped. Kurt was able to pull himself together.

Everything just happened so fast, and it was too much to take in, but there were there for each other.

They all waited in the waiting room with Quinn's mom for what felt like hours, and finally the doctor came out.

Quinn's mother and Mr. Schue went to talk with him while everybody watched with held breaths.

When Mr. Schue came back, he informed everyone that she was going to make it.

They had to run more test before they knew anything else and that it would be best for any of them to not see her until she was up and better.

It was even possible that her legs were too damaged to heal.

They wanted to stay, but there really was no point. They'd see her when she was up and around to it.

It was weeks until Quinn was out of the hospital.

She had to be in a wheelchair, but she was being positive about it. Kurt could officially breathe easier.

After being dismissed after her first day back, Kurt pulled Blaine after the girl, hoping to catch her.

"Hey, Quinn," Kurt said, getting her attention as they went into a deserted classroom, one that was Quinn next period.

"Hello, boys," she greeted with a bright smile, parking her wheelchair at a desk.

"What can I do for you two?"

Kurt hugged her quickly, squeezing her tightly. "I just wanted to greet you back. And just to tell you that I'm so happy that you are all right.

We were so scared. I had this feeling that something was going to happen, but-"

"Kurt," she said, pulling back to look at him, taking Kurt's hand in hers'.

"You are freaking out when there's nothing to worry about. I'm fine.

I'm still standing, well sitting, but I'm good. It could have been way worse."

"I feel like it's my fault." He looked down and sighed. "I just-I could have done something to prevent Rachel from texting-"

"No," she warned, shaking her head fiercely. "Don't try to pin it on yourself.

Klaine:season 3Where stories live. Discover now