I kissed a girl

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.

"Why does she have to be so defensive?" Blaine asked, closing his locker.

He just didn't get it. He thought that they were helping the girl with their duet, but she decided that instead of thanking them, she tore them down, putting her walls up.

It just hurt him because he cared about her.

"This is Santana we're talking about," Kurt reminded him.

"She is just having a hard time going through this. She will come around. It'll just take some time."

Blaine sighed. "I know this is a big step, but we are just trying to help her. If she keeps this up none of us will try anymore."

Kurt frowned. "It'll be okay. She will realize that if she pushes us all away she will have no one. Our duet was fabulous though. I'm excited we got to do it."

Blaine smiled at Kurt's optimism. "It was pretty amazing. I think my favorite thing is to sing with you."

He paused and turned to the boy. "All Santana's ever done to me is tear me down, and I don't understand why. She's never liked me."

"Blaine," Kurt said softly, reaching out to take his hand.

"Santana doesn't like anyone who is happy with their life. Don't take it personally. She's a bitch, always has been and always will be. Plus you are talented and that makes her upset."

Blaine forced a smile at his boyfriend. "You're right, but I don't know why she has to be so angry."

"I don't know either," he said softly, smiling. "Now cheer up. The election's tomorrow and if you are upset, then I'm going to be upset. I need you happy."

"Are you still thinking about pulling a JFK?" He was a little concerned to hear the answer.

When Kurt told him about the plan, he immediately disapproved, but telling Kurt no was like telling him to not wear designer clothes. It went in one ear and out the other.

Kurt took a deep breath. "Not any more. It's wrong. I want to win by earning the votes. What good would it do to stuff the ballots?"

Blaine smiled and wrapped his arms around Kurt, daring to do it in the hallway at school, but he didn't care at the moment.

"I'm so proud of you, I really am. I will do everything I can to help you get the votes you need to win. I want you to win so badly."

Kurt buried his head in Blaine's neck, and they just held each other. "I just can't thank you enough.

I know that I always do, but I mean it every time. This means a lot to me to have you here for me to get this. I just love you more than you know."

Blaine squeezed Kurt tighter. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you get something that you really want and really need? I love you too, but I should really get to class.

If I'm late again, I'm not sure if my teacher will accept the fact that I had an emergency to attend to."

"Yeah," Kurt said, letting go of Blaine. "I don't want you getting in trouble because of me. I'll see you after."

He leaned up to place a quick kiss to Blaine's cheek.

"What was that for?" Blaine asked with a smile. It wasn't like he didn't like it, he was just curious.

"Just a kiss to show you that I love you and that I appreciate your support through all of this.

I know that we haven't had that much time to spend together, but after this is over, I promise we will spend more time together."

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