Diary Entry 5

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{A/N} Thank you so much for reading my new story. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!

May, 2014

Quickly, I exit my house to see how it was possible that car engine is working, and there I saw Adam Daley parking his car in his driveway. It was seeing his ancient '81 Omega that I realized why his car was still working. Not all cars have computers in their motors, only the newer ones do. This proves that my hypothesis is correct. As the conversation continues, Adam, his best friend Todd, and I sharing information, and I'm able to convince Adam into giving me a lift. Meanwhile, Adam's little brother and sister, Danny and Rachel go to my house to entertain themselves. As soon as our conversation is over, Adam and I get in the car and prepare to go to the pool store, and Todd goes into my house to babysit the twins. As we drive, we discuss more about what's happening, and I tell Adam about how I think that this blackout will last for at least days, if not weeks. At the pool store, I'm successful in securing $2000 worth of chlorine insuring that I'll have enough tablets to clean my water for months. The only problem is that we have a little run in with some nasty people. Luckily, no one got hurt and I was able to talk some sense into them, but this has gotten me concern about the future. If this is people's reaction to the blackout within the first few hours, then what will be their reaction to a few days or even weeks of this?

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