Diary Entry 6

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{A/N} Thank you so much for reading my new story. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!

May, 2014

Two days of the blackout and people are already acting insane. So far, there's already been a riot at the mini grocery. Luckily, we were able to avoid too much damage by getting the manager of the store to sell people the non-perishable. That way, people were able to get what they wanted and the panic levels went down. Unfortunately, each night the situation on the street gets worse. The worst that has happened so far have been fires, most of them accidents. The real problem is that you can feel the tension, the panic and the fear of the people that swirls in the air. I can see that with each passing day and night, that tension, that panic and that fear builds and builds. It's just a matter of time before all that tension, panic and fear bubbles over and spreads more chaos than there already is. Another interesting development happened while going to Adam's friend, Lori's farm. On the way there, we had stopped at a gas station with a huge gas tank in front of it. It was seeing that huge gas tank and analyzing the gas worker's behaviour that I saw a big opportunity open up. After all, in situations like this, having the upper hand is everything.

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