Diary Entry 9

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{A/N} Thank you so much for reading my new story. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!

May, 2014

So, my suggestion to the council was approved and we launched an attack onto the group that attack Olde Burnham. I knew that we had to do this because if they found Olde Burnham and destroyed it, what's to say that they won't do the same with us. Luckily the council agreed with me and that's how my plan was approved. Though, just in case that didn't work, we also had a backup plan to evacuate and go take back Lori's family's farm. Thankfully, we didn't have to resort to that and we were able to attack them and send a message to them of just how strong we are. We also now know that they'll definitely be attacking us, but in my opinion this gives us an advantage. It gives us an advantage that they didn't have when we attacked them. Not only do we know what kind of weapons they have, and how many people they are, but we also know approximately when they'll be coming to attack us. This gives us a chance to protect each entry path to Eden Mills as well as get rid of them permanently. So now, all that's left to do is guard what's ours and wait.

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