Diary Entry 10

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{A/N} Thank you so much for reading my new story. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!

May, 2014

I was right. They did come to get us but the joke was on them because we were ready for them and were all in position. They came in a line of more than thirty vehicles filled with weapons and people ready to fight. The battle was short and ended before it even began. Since we were expecting them, we were able to see them coming and the kid and I were up in the air within minutes. The only problem was that Adam plane's had gotten damaged in last night's attack. Luckily, Mr. Nicholas, one of the council members was able to fix it. Despite him being able to fix the plane, we were still worried about whether it would work, but it seemed that luck was on our side that day. As soon as we got up in the air the plane worked just as it should and we raced over to where the attack was going to take place. In order to get them bunch together, we had made obstacles to slow them down which worked. What happen next happened so quickly that it's hard to know what really happen. It started to go downhill for them when I shot lead vehicle and set it on fire, but they just barreled into and continued on, pushing it off. When the kid saw this he started to panic a bit worry that our plan would work but I knew that it would hold. Sure enough, it did, as soon they were all piled onto the bridge, the first explosion went off, and then another and another. The bridge shook and buckled, and then all that was left was rubble and dust.

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