Chapter 5

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TOBIAS POV. Don't forget to look up SamanthaAwesomeness!

Six looks at me and I look at her. I feel my face get hot, and I look away. I don't like affection. My mom shows Six to the living room. What? Why is Six in my house at 6pm?!?!?! This is crazy!?!?!!

"So Tris, tell us the story so we know more," my dad starts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I slept on the couch that night. I barely got any sleep that night. I guess you can imagine why. After I told Tobias' parents and him my story they fed me, and I just wanted to go to bed.

The next morning, I get up on the same schedule of Tobias. When we are in his prius, on the way to school, I say, "do you like me?"

"Well, I don't know, I barely know you."

"No not like love like, like, like like, as a friend or even as a nice person."

"I don't know. You seemed a little scary when I meant you." I nod. I don't know whats wrong with me. I just normally don't like anyone. But with Tobias, its different. I feel like I can trust him. I put on the radio, 98.1 and 'what a feeling' comes on. I scream and so does Tobias, except his is much more manlier. We both reach for the volume and our hands collide. He pulls his away and I see him blush. Aww he's so cute when he blushes. Stop it Tris. I turn it up and start singing along.

First, when theres nothing
But a slow, glowing dream,
That your fear, seems to hide, deep inside, your mind.
All alone, I have pride,
Silent tears full of pride,
In a world made of steal, made of stone.
When I, hear the music,
Close my eyes feel the rythem,
Wrap around, take a hold, of my heart.
What a feelin, keeps believing,
I can have it all now im dancing for ma life.
Take your passion, and make it happen
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.

When I finish, the song stops and the radio man starts talking, so I turn it down again. I look over at Tobias, who's jaw is open and his eyes are huge.

"What?" I ask.

"What do you mean what? Your amazing at singing!!"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are, you should totally do something with it!" He said.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, like sing in front of the class or something."

"I could never do that. Im like super scared of public speaking."

"Really? I would never expect that from you." I nod.

"I may look all cool on the outside, but on the inside, I'm terrified of all the public things and all that that I get from being in that group at school." He nodded.

We turned into school, and people gave us stares. "Hey, do you mind if I call you by your real name? Why do they call you Six anyway?" He asks

"Yes you can and when I was a kid I always had six zits right in the middle of my forehead and one day this kid said 'hey Six' and......." I trail off

"And, what?"

"Oh I beat him up. But kept the name. I guess no one remembered my real name."

"Oh ok, Tris," he says and smiles. Gosh, his smile.

We park next to Christina's big truck and get out. I totally pass my friends, but before I pass Peter, I say, "hey Peter I'm breaking up with you and never being friends with any of you, but if you want to still be friends, step over here," I point next to me. Christina, Will, Marlene, and Shauna step over. "Well Peter, see ya!" Then I walk away.

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