Chapter 17

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Tris POV

"Well.....Im gonna need the names of you two," I say, pointing to the two people I dont know.

"Im Ezra," the boy says.

"Im Lynn," the girl says.

"So Prior, are you gonna join our group or what?" Asks Peter.

"On one condition. You let Tobias go and give us a ride home." They form a huddle and I hear them whispering. I stifle a laugh because it sounds ridiculous. They break apart and Lynn asks,

"Why do you need a ride home?" I point to my leg which is in a brace.

"Because it would be cruel."

"Fair enough, " Ezra says. He walks into the stone building and I see Cara walk out, looking disappointed and Tobias looking, disgusted? He sees me and looks away quickly. I think I see a tear fall. Why would he be crying? He's the one whose cheating. Not me. I was forced to kiss him. I didn't want to. He wanted to. Right?

Peter leads us to the van and makes us get in the back. Tobias sits in the back too. Its a silent drive back home.

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