Chapter 9

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(Time skip to Caleb's funeral)

Tris POV

"Now, we are going to hear a few words from Caleb's sister, Tris," the priest says. I slowly walk up to the podium. When I look out at the people who are here, I see Tobias, and all my friends. Even Peter. Evelyn isn't here, of coure, because she is in jail for life. I knew she was the Candor Killer. Tobias' parents are here too. All my relatives are here.

"For the past 5 years, I've been keeping this sort of book of all the things I think of Caleb, and I'd like to share some of the things I wrote in it to you." I say (AN/ this is something I actually have been doing for the past 5 yrs except for my mom mom-2).

"To the kindred soul who taught me how to love. Before you, it was just me and Evelyn. I never loved anyone before. Then Evelyn said she was going to get me a brother. I thought I was going to hate you, because you know, older siblings usually don't like their younger siblings, but no, I loved you. I didn't know what love was until I met you." I had to pause for a minute because the tears started falling. But I don't wipe them away.

"As you got older, you always stood up for me when Evelyn was throwing crap about how I was terrible in everything I do. I learned a lot about you that I never thought I would before I met you. Everything I learned about you, made it feel like opening a present. Which made everyday feel like Christmas. So Caleb, if your still here, I'm going to play your favorite song for you." I walk over to my radio that I brought. I put in the Elvis cd, and Suspicious Minds starts playing. As it was playing, I said,

"You always liked this song cause it made you at home, because there was always suspicion in our house. Evelyn would always get mad at you for playing it so loud, but you didn't care because you loved this song." I finish and the song is still playing.

Why cant you see
What you doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say
We cant go on together, with suspicious minds
And we cant build our dreams on suspicious minds
So when an old friend I know
Stops by to say hello
Would I still see suspicion in your eyes
But here we go again
Asking where I been
You can see tears are real I'm crying

The song ends and I walk back to my seat and cry. I try to keep it quiet but I don't think it works. The priest ends with a prayer. An I go home or to Tobias' house and cry my self to sleep.

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