4. You're still a kid

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"I think I'm gonna explode if I eat anymore." Nobu groans, holding his stomach and leaning onto my shoulder.

I laugh. "You've said that at least three times, yet you continue to eat anyway."

"I'm for real this time." He sighs.

"I think sushi is in my top 5 foods list now. I can't believe I've gone 17, nearly 18 years without ever trying it."

Nana laughs. "I told you! We should get going though, we've got practice soon." She says from across the table. Nobu and I are on one side, while her and Hachi are on the other.

"I can't wait!" Hachi clasps her hands together in excitement.

Nobu lifts his head up off of my shoulder and stretches. "Do I have to go?"

"It's not optional." Nana scoffs, standing up. "C'mon."

"Are you coming, Lil?" Nobu asks.

"If you guys want me to, then sure." I smile.

"Great! We're gonna blow you away, again!"

"Is that really all it took for you to want to go?" Nana rolls her eyes.

We all stand up, I pay the bill, and we head out to my car.

"Thanks for dinner, Lili!" Hachi says as she gets buckled in.

"Yeah, thanks." Nobu and Nana say.

I smile as I put the key in the ignition. "Well, you guys did help me out today after all so thank you." I say, backing out of the parking spot and driving down the road toward the studio.

The sun was setting, so I popped my sunglasses holder open and put my Vivienne Westwood cat eye sunglasses on.

Nobu popped my glove box open and started looking through my CD's. "Do you have anything that not Trapnest?" He laughs.

"Uhm..." I lean over and take a look in the glove box. "Not really. I have some CD's of American artists I like too, but that's about it." I laugh.

"I'm gonna get you a CD with our music, that way you won't have to listen to them every time you get in the car."

I giggle, shaking my head. "If you really want to, go for it. Why don't we just see what's on the radio for now?" I suggest.

Nobu shakes his head. "I'll find something... hey Nana." He smirks, turning around and holding up my Sex Pistols cd.

"You've got good taste, Lil!" Nana smirks and I laugh.

"Should we do windows down?" I ask no one in particular. The weather's pretty decent tonight, so we may as well take advantage of it.

"Yeah!" Nobu responds, putting the cd into the player.

"Ohhh yes!" Hachi excitedly says.

"Sure." Nana shrugs.

I tie my hair back, steering with my knee while I do so. Once it's secure, I roll the windows down and appreciate the breeze. It could never compare to the breeze I got in my old car though.

"I used to have a convertible mustang before I moved here. She was all black and so fast, I miss her." I say to Nobu, while Hachi and Nana sing along to the song playing.

"Whaattt! How could you even afford such a cool car?" He asks.

I smirk. "I had my ways. Seven was my first car too. But I only had her for about a year and a half before having to sell her."

"You've gotta be kidding, there's no way you named your car Seven." He laughs.


"Are you really passionate about cars or something?"

I shake my head. "No. Just my mustang. I hope I can get another sports car again, this piece of junk could never compare."

Nobu laughs. "Hey, if the band makes it big one day, then I'll buy you a new one."

I look over at him. "I'm going to hold you to that, Nobuo."

"Well I'm not one to break a promise." 


After practice, Yasu and Nobu spilt, leaving Nana, Hachi, Shin and I. We're all heading back to the apartment in my car.

"All of that happened since just last week?" Shin asks.

The three of us girls have been filling him in on my day.

"It all happened today, really. So once everyone helped me move my crap, I took them all out for sushi." I say.

"Whaatttt?! I would've helped too if there was sushi on the line." Shin whines.

"It was kind of last minute, otherwise I would've invited you." I shrug.

"She's never had sushi before that." Nana says.

"Nana, shush!" I yell, and her and Hachi laugh.


When we get to the apartment, Nana and Hachi go to their's, while Shin follows me to mine.

"Shit." I say, looking at all of the boxes that I never unpacked.

Shin smirks. "If I help you unpack can we get sushi tomorrow?"

I laugh. "Sure. How about we go to the store and I get ingredients to make something?"

"Okay!" He exclaims.

When we get everything unpacked, I lay out a futon on my new bedroom floor with some blankets and pillows.

"So what's your plan tonight, Shin? Do you need me to take you back to Nobu's?" I ask.

"Can I crash here? Then we can spend tomorrow together!" He asks, trying to bribe me.

"C'mon, shin." I laugh. "Maybe another night when you're actually prepared to stay the night and I'm not sleeping on the floor of an empty room."

"Aww. Okay, fine." He sighs as we walk to the front door.

"How about I pick you up from Nobu's tomorrow morning and we can go shopping?"

Shin wraps his arms around me. "Okay! Let me see your phone and I'll give you my number to call me."

I give it to him and he puts his number in. When he hands my phone back, I laugh at his contact name.

Shin (^_−)−


"So did you forget the lighter today?" Shin asks as we near Nobu's place.

"Oh yeah! Actually, Nobu has it. I forgot to get it back before he left."

"Oh!" Shin says as I put the car in park in front of Nobu's. "You should come in really quick then and you can come get it."

"That's okay, I'll get it tomorrow morning when I come to pick you up."

"Okay. Here, let me pay you for driving me." Shin says, pulling his wallet out.

I push down on shin's seatbelt and unlock the car. "Pay me and you can forget about tomorrow."

He immediately looks up at me as his eyes full with tears. "Lili, don't say that! I just don't wanna be in your debt." 

I laugh. "I'm not gonna take money from a kid, much less hold a simple car ride against you."

He leans over and wraps his arms around me. "You're too nice, Lil. Thank you. But you're still a kid too, y'know..." He laughs, letting go of the hug and opening his door. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Shin. Tell Nobu I said hi."

Shin winks at me. "Of course, goodnight!" He smiles, shutting the car door and heading inside.

I put the car in reverse and back out, before heading home.

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