30 NY pt.2

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June 7, 1999
New York, New York

I wake up to a blaring ringing in my ear. I look to my left and the guy beside me in the hotel bed is still sound asleep. Thank god, that gives me time to slip away before he wakes up.

I slide out of bed and answer my phone.

"Happy birthday, Nana!"

I smile. "Happy birthday, Rose." I reply in a quieter tone as I slip my clothes on.

"Let's go out, just us today! We can see where our day takes us, I'm legal now so I won't have to use a fake ID." She giggles.

I head into the bathroom and use the free hotel hygiene products to freshen up. "Sounds good! I'm with a client now, but I'll head over to your place shortly." I manage to say while brushing my teeth.

"Ugh, you're so smart to make dude's pay in advanced so you don't have to deal with them in the morning." Rose scoffs.

I giggle. "Duh. The morning after a hookup is way too awkward for payments."

"I totally get that, even thought that's not really my lifestyle. When do you think you'll be here?"

"Probably like 30 minutes."

"Kk! Love you, Nana!"

"Love you too. See ya in a bit." I hang up before heading out the hotel door.


"Holy shit, Rose! Get your ass over here now." I exclaim, pulling out the most beautiful piece of Vivienne Westwood jewelry I have ever laid my eyes upon. The blue aura surrounding the necklace was very prominent and I was immediately drawn to it. There's no way I'm leaving this place empty handed.

We decided to go hit some unique antique and thrift shops to go on a little shopping spree together, and that's where we are now.

Rose comes to stand by me and laughs. "What is it with your Vivienne obsession? She literally lives in England."

I scoff. "Like I haven't told you a million times. Do you know how rare this is? There's only like 100 of these in total!"

Rose covers my mouth. "Well quite down and buy it before someone tries to rob you."

I laugh and hurry to the check out line. Once we're done, we head out to Rose's car and I get in the passenger seat as she drives to god knows where.

"Now you won't have to light for me." I put a cigarette in my mouth as I light it with my new necklace/ lighter.

"Oh my god it's a lighter too?!" She questions looking over. "That's actually so cool."

"Isn't it? I never thought I would ever lay my hands on a piece like this."

"Well what the hell am I gonna do now! If you can light your own lighter then it's like you don't even need me anymore." Rose sarcastically whines.

I laugh. "I don't think I could live without you, Rose."

She smiles and is silent for a moment. "Do you wanna go get tattoos?"

I laugh. "Yeah, right."

She looks over at me. "I'm serious! I'm an adult now so I'll sign for you since you need someone over 18 to agree."

The American Girl. Nobu Terashima x o/c || Nana anime fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now