15. Sacrafices

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Reira ended up saying she had somewhere to be when we got to the hotel after all of the parties. Naoki and spent every living second together after that, well before their two week break ended anyway. You would think we'd have gotten tired of each other at that point, but our chemistry is still as strong as the night we met.

It was helpful because he distracted me from what I found out that night, but now he's not here and it's all I think about. I don't think I can tell anyone.

I haven't really talked to anyone else anyway. The only time I did was with Nana, she texted me saying that Gaia Music offered to sign with the band. I couldn't be more happy for them, they deserve it. I did text Nobu telling him I heard the news and was happy for them, but all he responded with was 'thx lil :)'.

Now I'm just laying in bed, letting my mind run. That is, until my phone beeps.

From: Naoki(^з^)<3
Guna try 2 get Take 2 get me a room @ a hotel since we're in Tokyo tn. I'll send u the address if my plan works ;)

To: Naoki(^з^)<3
UR IN TOKYO?! Ur plan better work or I will cry.

From: Naoki(^з^)<3
Lol! Can't make any promises!!

To: Naoki(^з^)<3
Fine. Blast has a big show tn, so I'll come by after if all works out

From: Naoki(^з^)<3
K! See u then :D


I took Hachi and Misato to the venue, and we were early enough to get to the front row together. The place got packed and fast, they even had to open the doors early because of how many showed up.

Blast did an amazing job performing, and when the show ended, I took Misato and Hachi back to apartment 707. Hachi made a whole ton of food so we could all celebrate together with the band.

We were talking and waiting for them, when Hachi got a call from Nana saying that the guy signing them was taking them out to dinner.

I could sense the heartbreak on Hachi's side.

The three of us sat at the table together to eat since the others were no longer coming, and Hachi filled us in on how everyone knows about her and Takumi, how Nana's been staying at Ren's, and now Nobu confessed his love for her.

I hope she didn't sense the heartbreak on my part. I knew he liked her, but love?

What am I thinking? I have Naoki, he treats me so well and I shouldn't get jealous. Hachi and Nobu would be amazing for each other.

I continue to eat, but by the time we're all done there's still left overs for days.

"I'm gonna head back to my place, are you guys fine over here?" I ask.

"We're fine! Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?" Hachi asks, and I can sense she needs me to.

"You should stay the night, Lili! If that alright with you, Miss Hachi." Misato suggests.

"Of course. I'd be more than happy to have you!" Hachi smiles.

I laugh. "I'll stay a little longer, but I can't stay over. I've got work in the morning." I lie. "Why don't we play some cards or something?" I suggest.

"That would be fun!" Misato exclaims.

"Sure! I'll get the cards." Hachi runs to her room.


Naoki texted me saying he got a room, so now I'm heading over there. I felt bad for leaving Hachi, but she has Misato... and anyway, I can't always put her feelings before my own. This might be the last time for a while that I see Naoki.

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