8. Roses

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It's been about a week since what happened out side of the restaurant. Tonight, the band has a gig at some local venue, so that's where I'm heading now.

When I walk into the venue, most people are leaving.

What the hell?

I walk further in and see Hachi and some blond girl talking in the front row. The blonde girl starts saying how amazing the band is, and people overhear her talk. I watch as a few handfuls of people come back to the floor.

I smile and make my way next to Hachi and the blonde girl. "Hi, Hachi!"

"Lili! I'm so happy you're here too!" She exclaims.

"Well, I said I was coming." I laugh. "Is this your friend?" I point to the blonde girl.

The blonde girl looks over and smiles. "Well we just met, but I'm Misato! I know blast from our home town!"

I smile and reach a hand out to her and she shakes it. "I go by Nana, but you can call me Lili."

Misato smiles and almost says something, but instantly turns around when she hears the band coming and the lights dim. "Oh my god, they're on!"

I grab Hachi's hand as Nobu, Shin, and Yasu start playing. "Nobu looks good on stage, doesn't he?" I asks over the loud cheers and music.

Hachi blushes and looks over at me. "Do you have a thing for Nobu?"

I blush, realizing I said that out loud. "I- no... Hey, look! There's Nana!" I point out.

Nana walks out on stage and Missto yells for her, handing her a rose. Nana's eyes widen when she sees the girl, and she takes the rose, tying it to her mic.

Nobu then starts their song "rose" and chills immediately run through my body.

Hachi squeezes my hand harder, I look over and see her eyes wide as she looks up at Nana singing.


We all went to apartment 707 after they played, I end up last to arrive because I drove separately.

Hachi greets me at the door, and I make my way to the table to sit next to Nobu. "You guys were awesome." I smile over at him.

"Why thank you, Lil." He smiles.

I look across the table and see two unfamiliar faces.

"So are you the other Nana we've heard all about?" The girl with curly hair asks.

I laugh. "Yeah, but you can call me Lili."

The girl reaches a hand out and I shake it. "I'm Junko, this is Kyosuke. We're friends of Nana's, or Hachi, as you guys call her."

I shake Kyosuke's hand too and smile. "It's nice to meet you both."

Nana makes her way to the table with Misato. "There's not enough seats... Nobu, get up!" She demands.

"Yes ma'am..." he sighs. I slide off of the chair so he can too, but I don't sit back down.

I notice Hachi at the counter all alone, the way she moves as she cooks is kind of depressing. We haven't really talked after what happened, so I should probably take this as my chance to.

"Hey, Hachi." I smile, leaning against the counter.

"Hey, Lil." She gives me a soft smile, but her eyes and aura tell me it's a cover up. "I never thanked you for standing up for me against Shoji by the way, so thanks."

I nod. "It's no biggie, they both had it coming anyway. I care about you way too much to let them just walk away after sneaking behind your back like that."

The American Girl. Nobu Terashima x o/c || Nana anime fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now