6: Heavy Luggage

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I didn't really expect to see Timothy the next day. And Lavender had texted in the morning that she had caught the cold. And asked if I knew something of her missing bag. I had dragged the said bag with me the whole morning and was rather done with the extra weight by the time I stumbled onto the path of the vampire from yesterday.

I was on my way to find a cup of afternoon tea when I glimpsed it between shelves and froze.

The thing talked to someone I couldn't see.

"... understand why you came back here though." The short male being was saying. Its raven hair shone blue where lamp light caught it. "Of course studying can make life interesting. But why to retake a path already forsaken? I just can't see all this unnecessary human stress making you any happier. Are you listening to me, Uncle?"

"No." Came the absentminded answer from behind the shelf.

I walked slowly toward the stairs. Closer to the vampire. It was early afternoon. How was it up? And why was it between me and the stairs?

"Oh, don't be hard. I think I found the book, anyway. Why don't you just search something on the internet?" It tapped the said book with one pale finger.

"Because," this time the other's voice came clearer. The invisible speaker emerged from between the shelves to face his friend. "Someone has cut my connection. And hasn't returned it."

Timothy came very close to the other and snatched the book it was holding.

His gaze fell to me immediately over the vampire's shoulder. The two were very even in height.

The vampire turned as well. It seemed dismayed.

"No, really, the witch."

"Clover!" Timothy moved forward.

The vampire came with him. It didn't try to impede his movement, just crept after Timothy, like a pale shadow.

I took a step back looking past Timothy to the beast.

Timothy stopped.

"They disconnected my number," he offered.

I swallowed. "I know. I tried calling you back. Multiple times"

"Ah. Mmm. Well. About that call. As you can probably see, I can't talk too freely about what I intended to mention." He had the audacity to laugh. The vampire stared pointedly to the ceiling.

"But," he continued.

The vampire put a warning hand on his shoulder. Timothy looked at the other man. He looked beyond irritated.

And just then it hit me. He couldn't be controlled via blood. The vampire hadn't compelled him. That was why the vampire was with him. They hadn't controlled Timothy or killed him. Which meant they either couldn't or wouldn't. Why? And surely they could have locked one human somewhere out the way if they clearly had the power to severe his phoneline.

"Have some trust, will you, Plume?" Timothy hissed. "I say what I think is wise, under the circumstances. Thank you very much for the reminder, I haven't forgotten you. Just get out of sight for maybe five minutes?"

He shook the hand free. And the vampire let him.

"Just... Don't do anything unforgivable."

Timothy rolled his eyes. "I think we are a bit over that line. Just, give me a minute."

The vampire looked at him. It drew in a breath as if intending to say something. Timothy gave it a steady look with raised eyebrows, inviting the monster to continue. It sighed the air out. And, to my utter amazement, disappeared between shelves.

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