29: Graduated

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Uncle Aconite helped me set out a small celebration for my graduation. No one had claimed the second room Valentina had left empty in the shared apartment, and in the end we decided to simply host the celebration in my home as people were expected to arrive throughout the afternoon and evening. We counted on them coming in a steady stream, rather than having everyone at the same time around the small kitchen table with three wobbly chairs.

And they did arrive just as we had hoped. My mother came to give her respects, though only shortly and an hour too early. Aconite talked with her and my cousins, his son and daughter, for some time.

Then they came into the kitchen where I was still heating a frozen pie in the oven. The kitchen windows were misted over after all the cooking since morning. I detached myself from the oven and turned to Aconite and my mother. Uncle Aconite was just showing her my Master's Thesis from the screen of his work iPad.

My mother seemed distressed. I could tell she was close to tears.

"So, you'll be a teacher, a French teacher?" She asked me.

"Yes. That's what I hope to become. I also have the qualifications to teach English. I already have a substitute's position. I will start there next autumn."

I dusted my hands onto an apron Aconite had brought with him as he came.

"And you are going to be okay?" she insisted.

"Of course I am going to be OK. I am doing great. My degree is done, I have secured a paying job for the next year. I am doing brilliantly."

And then she burst into tears.

Aconite patted my mother on the back.

"Come now, Wren. As you can see, your daughter has chosen her path and knows what she is doing with it."

My mother nodded and sobbed. She laid her head against Aconite's chest and he took her into a consoling embrace.

After that she didn't stay long. I saw her and my cousin, Heather, out the door before the party had even officially started. To my great surprise, Aconite's son, Laurel, didn't accompany them out the apartment.

"Could I, ermm, help with something?"

Aconite's eyebrows rose through the ceiling.

Something passed between the duo that I didn't comprehend. Then, without a word, Aconite handed him the tablet he had been holding, and the matter was settled.

Some of my classmates came and went. I suspected some of them were startled away by Laurel's naturally arrogant way of handling everyone.

Later Valentina came, dragging with her Lavender and her boyfriend Dew. They sat together on the couch in the tiny livingroom. And as the day flowed into a late afternoon, they stayed.

When all other guests had left and there were just I, Aconite and Laurel babysitting the leftover food, we decided to abandon kitchen duties and join my friends in the small livingroom. Laurel even fetched us the chairs from the kitchen. Lavender had settled against Dew. I hadn't seen them together for an eternity, but just then both seemed to enjoy the subtle intimacy. Valentina was just demonstration for them how the balance in some kicks worked and was standing in front of the sofa on one leg.

Laurel bumped into her, handling the chairs and Valentina lost her balance, falling backwards over both Laurel and the chairs.

"Sorry!" She shouted from the narrow passage beyond the livingroom door. Laurel was swearing. Both were just fine.

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