My name is Alex and we are in the year 1954 and my age is 24 and I'm in love with a girl she is basically my classmate and by nature I'm shy to express my feelings towards her and she is the most beautiful girl in my entire college and every guy is trying to get her close and me don't say I'm sacred to my death and I don't have any words to express my love but anyway I told my feelings towards her to my friend he said go ahead and purpose and ask her for a date, and in the end when I gathered the courage to ask her out, you wont believe I never thought of a worst case scenario like the friend whom I told that I have feelings for her went to date with her 😅😭🤣.

My name is Alex and we are in the year 1954 and my age is 24 and I'm in love with a girl she is basically my classmate and by nature I'm shy to express my feelings towards her and she is the most beautiful girl in my entire college and every guy i...

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I felt bad and thought of betrayed by my friend and after that I shattered my heart and went on living and continuing my education and finished my degree and pursued a job and after year the same girl which I had felling's moved next to my house and in time we became friends and one day I proposed her for marriage and she accepted .




After many hurdles and troubles that I over come today is the day I'm marrying my love 😭😭😭.




Here she is in beautiful red colour dress in our tradition brides wear red colour dress and she looks like she is made for me.




We are about sign the contract of marriage and she died and my heart broke into pieces and the world of mine that I built upon the love of her came crumbling under my feet that day i cried cried and held her to my heart, No words in the world can explain the pain I went through that day, when i lost my love.



Now we are in the year 2091 and nearly its 150 years and the cause of the my beloved death s due to the curse placed by a witch on me, she told me that whom ever I love shall die I purpose and I she told until the end of the world I will not age nor gonna die, I confronted the witch why she did this to me as I'm a good man and never harmed anybody in my life she didn't answer me.


and Guess what the fate has a plan for me and my beloved same doppelganger was born and she is of the age of 24 and this s my last chance either I will win today her heart and will remove the curse that is placed upon me.




and I'm prepared to confront the witch with my might or wit my brain I have to win against the witch at all cost, its my last chance to secure my love.



I went to the witch house and shouted come down today here will take revenge for the death of my beloved and for the curse that you placed on me.



She came and I tried to attack her but she said Wait , I said I'm not gonna stop today I'm going to win and secure my love, and in loud voice she said

"I love you"

"I love you"

"I love you"

after hearing this my mind got stunned she said she was in my college and she had love on me and said she got jealous that I was getting married to another women then she sacrificed her faith and humanity and she became a with and placed the curse that whom ever I love they die.



She expressed how much did she love me and I listened to her heart's content and in the end she started to fade away as she then realised that in time i started to love her there was time even I considered her as my enemy in my heart and mind I started to love her.



before she started to fade away into dust I told her, if you said you love me i would have married you and she started to cry but I said don't worry, You will be living in heart forever my love until I fade away.

I know the fact that she cursed me and my loved ones died, but her love towards me was real and nor she loved anybody in her life except me, she is lost but she is mine.

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