5 years old

24 2 0

"Hey Izu dinner is ready!" Mom yelled out. I started running out my room into the dining room. "Hey hun your bowl is on the table" My mom said with a bright smile. As I started eating I had a question so I asked it "Hey mama?..." I said with a questioning tone "what happened to dada?" My mom stopped eating and looked at me "WE NEVER SPEAK OF THAT MAD HE LEFT AND NEVER CAME BACK!" My mom yelled and walked over to me and slapped me. My tears were threatening to fall but I was scared she was going to hurt me more if I cried. She yelled at me to go to my room after I was done eating. When I got in my room I started crying and crying and screaming into my pillow. I was really thinking about running away, but I could tell someone about it the next time I'm with an adult. The next day when I went down stairs I saw my mom crying while looking at her phone. "What's wrong mommy?" In stead of me saying it like that I yelled and the windows broke. She looked at me and started yelling things like "YOU IDIOT YOU GOT YOUR FATHERS QUIRK" and "YOU LITTLE ASS HOLE I CANT AFFORD TO FIX THE WINDOWS" and "I WISH I NEVER WOULD HAVE KEPT THE BABY IN MY STOMACH" I started to have a panic attack crying and I had to stop cause my quick was out of control. She ended up throwing me out the house and telling me to never come back. She didn't even feed me and I have bruises all over my body. I was going to go to kachans house but what if he gets mad. But I still went. When I got there I knocked on the door and auntie Mitski opened the door and saw me and I used sign language cause of my quirk and scene they used sign. After I was done explaining she brought me inside and got me some food. She said she had to put me in a adoption center cause she couldn't afford a another kid. Before I knew it she was driving me to the center and she left me there alone with people I don't know. The people there don't know sign so it was hard for me to communicate without shaking the whole building. The people were super nice though, and they actually treated me like I belong.

So I this is my first story and I'm not the best so pls no hate
(436 words)

The dad you never knewOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant