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After all of that they were both as red as kiris hair. All Midorya was not going to talk to him about it. Sero was shocked, no, beyond shocked because Izuku midorya the cinnamon roll of class 1A was hard. Maybe he wasn't as innocent as he thought. When they got to the locker rooms both of them went to a stall. All of the boys were confused especially about sero. He never changed in stalls, maybe Midorya, but Sero. They were the last ones out and they were both still red. They ended up in a very awkward silence on the way back. Sero ended up saying, "meet me in the bathroom after class, make sure no one follows." Midorya was now panicking and wondering if he should go. "Why should I go what if its a trick, what if your just trying to get me to do something." Sero was responded with "Well you wont know unless you trust me." They arrived at the classroom now and they did not know they were late. Aizawa was asleep so he didn't even know they walked in. At the end of the day Midorya was panicking A. LOT. He ended up going and as soon as he entered Sero pinned him to the wall and locked the door. "S-sero?" Sero was pinning him to the wall just staring into his eyes. "You made me hard so your going to pay"

⚠️a lil spice warning⚠️

Sero pressed his lips against Midoryas ruff. "Sero?!" Midorya was shocked and pushed him without thinking. "Sorry it surprised me I di-" before he could finish sero kissed him again this time Midorya accepted it and they and a long deep kiss. Midorya broke the kiss out of air, "Sero I don't know if this is a good idea were in the school bathrooms."  Sero looked at him with a 'do I look like I care' face. Midorya didn't really care either he honestly knew he wasn't even a bottom but he was so surprised there was no time to act. Now was the time thought so he did just so. He pinned sero to the wall so now they were flipped. Sero was shocked but there was no use in trying to flip it again cause he couldn't move. Midorya lean's in close and whispers "why are you even trying to be top?" Sero was now super red. "Hanta don't try to be top cause it wont work" he smirked and walked to the soot while saying "Hanta your my boyfriend you have no saying and don't tell my dads about this not even your friends not until im ready."

Spice done

Midorya walked out more proud then ever. His crush is his boyfriend now.

This is it for this chapter
(469 words)

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