Remember his age-

19 1 0

Midorya is walking around impatient because the test has not came back yet. Aizawa is just tired of him pacing so he yells but it does nothing. Midorya says, "What if it never comes back or what if it takes a whole other week!" Under his breath. At this point Aizawa just hugged him because he didn't know what else to do, so they sat there and hugged... and hugged. Midorya ended up falling asleep and not waking up for the next hour not like Aizawa minded cause he got to sleep to but present mic got home and was sad that they were doing it without him. Midorya may be 14 almost 15 but he would never turn down a cuddle puddle. And that is when the door bell rang and they were all up like that. It was the results of the dna tests... Midorya was now even more nervous than before. Aizawa was the one to answer the door and get the results and they all went to the living room to open it...

And I'm mean and I'm leaving it here... I'm also just really tired
(190 words)

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