Chapter 1

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It started off like any other day. I woke up to the obnoxiously loud beeping of my alarm. Groaning, I quickly turned it off, saving myself from a throbbing headache. Then struggled out of my small bedroom and into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I found my curly brown hair sticking up all over the place and my gray eyes, normally stormy and bright, but now dim with sleep.

I hopped in the shower, letting the warm water roll over my skin, slowly waking me from my tired state. Unfortunately it was a school day, so I had to get ready quickly, rather than just relaxing in the water.

I quickly scrubbed some shampoo into my scalp, rinsed it, then scrunched some conditioner into the ends of my hair. I finally finished by washing my body with my favorite body wash, milk and honey. It reminded me of good times before my mom died, when we would make crazy desserts using whatever we could find. Our favorite one was a honey cupcake with cereal milk frosting, so the scent made me think of her.

After drying myself from my quick shower, I dressed in my signature look: black running shorts, an oversized navy hoodie, and some black high top Converse. Even though it was almost 90 degrees outside due to global warming, I still wore my hoodie.

It had belonged to my mom, and was almost all that I had left of her. When she died my dad couldn't stand to be around anything that reminded him of her, it was too painful, and while it was painful for me I didn't want to forget her. This led to almost all of her possessions being donated or sold. Thankfully I had managed to save this hoodie, her wedding ring, and some pictures. For that reason, I hardly ever took off her hoodie, except to wash it of course.

I shook myself from my daze and looked down at my watch, groaning when I saw the time. I was going to be late for school. Again.

While grabbing my bag and a bar for breakfast I heard my dad muttering. I watched him stumble into the room, then come towards me.

He was drunk, and even though it wasn't the first time, he still frightened me. Our interactions normally ended with me bleeding and crumpled on the floor, in too much pain to move.

"Where do you think you're going, you wretched girl?" He growled while coming forward, digging his fingers into my arm. "I told you weren't to leave this house, the only reason I keep you around is so you can make the food and clean this foul place."

"L-Lucius," I studered, hating the way my voice shook. "I-I'm just going to school, I'll be home right after it's finished to do whatever you want."

Even though he was my father, I called him by his first name, Lucius. With the way he treated me, he didn't deserve to be called dad or even father. It wasn't much, but it was the only act of rebellion I could manage.

"I want you home right away, I have a poker game with my buddies today and I need you to get us food," He slurred in his drunken state.

"O-Of course Lucius, I'll be home right away," I finally said, crestfallen, I was hoping to be able to enjoy my day, but of course Lucius had other plans.

"Now scram girl, get out of my sight!" He yelled, finally releasing me from his grasp.

Trembling, I ran out the door, my eyes tearing up from the stinging Lucius' nails had left on my arm.

I looked down at my arm, wincing when I saw a small bit of blood beginning to pool, thankfully this wasn't one of the worst injuries Lucius had given me. I think that prize goes to the time he broke a beer bottle on my back.

Lucius had come home from hanging out with some friends, to find that I wasn't at home. I had gone over to a friend's house for the night, figuring that Lucius wouldn't be home till the next day. Bad decision. When I came home the next morning, Lucius had rushed at me, then forced me onto the table. He proceeded to drop a beer bottle on my back. That left me in severe pain, with shards of glass in my back, and scars that had lasted all these long years.

Stopping, I dug around in my bag, looking for the first aid kit I kept in there for emergencies. I spotted it and quickly grabbed out a bandage and cotton balls to help stop the bleeding.

After bandaging myself I rolled my sleeve down over my arm, successfully covering the wound. That was another reason I wore this hoodie, it allowed me to cover the injuries Lucius caused, though it could do nothing for the emotional trauma I had from his abuse.

"Damn, I have one messed up life," I muttered to myself.

How was that for the first chapter? I know it was a little short, but I will try to write more in the next chapters!

Who else is a MCR fan? I love their music because even if it is a little depressing, it speaks the truth about life and the harsh reality many of us face.

I will try to update at least once a week, but I won't make any guarantees, especially with the holiday season coming up! That's all for now, have a great day!

And please, please, please, share, comment, and vote!


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