Chapter 4

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I sat there, stunned, trying to process it all. It was too much for me to take in, too absurd to even comprehend.

My mother was one of these people, she really was a part of Genesis. Not only that she was dead because of this stupid organization.

"How could you?" I shouted at Harley, "If you knew my mother, how could you have let her risk her life like that? She had a family, she had friends, and now because of this, this stupid organization, she's gone."

"Child, I-" Harley started, but I stopped her.

"You think after this, that I'm going to help you? I don't care what my mother wrote, I won't trust the people that got her killed."
"Listen," Harley said forcefully, "I know it won't be easy to trust us, heck, when I first heard about this, I didn't believe it either, but the work we do here is important."

She took a breath then continued, "If it weren't for us, then millions of people would be dead and thousands of cities destroyed. Think about it, you know all those times you were told that it's going to snow a bunch or the rain is going to flood the town, then the next day it's sunny with clear skies? We are the cause of that."

"Fine," I said hesitantly," But I have some cond-, W-What was that?"

Outside there was a loud crashing sound, almost like waves hitting rocks, the noise scaring the white birds from the roofs of the houses below.

I looked out the window and gasped.

"No, No, No." Harley muttered while hurriedly coming over to me, her hands hurriedly searching for something in her pockets.

She let out a small "Ah-ah" when she found it, then started to run it over the rope around my hands.

I stared at her as she worked, realizing that the thing in her hands was a red pocket knife. Harley sawed through the rope within seconds, then handed the knife to me.

"Listen to me," She said quickly and quietly. "The water is coming and it is only mere minutes until the town is entirely covered. You need to get down to the basement, put on the dive suits, and seal the door. That should keep you safe for a bit. There is a small hatch in the back of the room, use that to escape, then find your mothers car wreck, we need those documents."

"What about you?" I shrieked, not knowing what was happening, "I can't just leave you!"

Undeterred, Harley finished undoing the rope, then handed me a pale blue lunch box. It was the old fashioned kind that are a metal box with a small latch.

Confused, I took it from her outstretched hand.

"I need you to take this and follow my instructions. This holds all of Genesis' research, so it must make it out. I need to finish here or all will be for nothing. Now go, it is all on you now!"

She pushed me towards the door and I stumbled.

"Go Alex, everything will be fine, I will come for you."

I'm so sorry it took me this long to update, school has been really busy and I had some major writer's block, so sorry for the crappy chapter. Happy holidays and have an amazing day!

And please, please, please don't forget to share, comment and vote!


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