Chapter 2

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After an excruciatingly long walk to school, I found myself sitting in my least favorite class, math. Don't get me wrong, the class itself was fine, but it was the teacher who made it a living nightmare.

Ms. Huhn was the teacher and seemed like she did everything in her power to make this the most boring and agonizingly long class ever. She also seemed like she was out to get me, everyday she made me walk up to the board and solve whatever ridiculous problem she had come up with. It typically ended with me saying something stupid and receiving detention.

I hoped that today would turn out better, considering Lucius needed me home early and I didn't want to face the consequences that would happen if I was late.

Today at least I had managed to find a seat at the back of the class that was far enough away from Ms. Huhn, that I could put in my earbuds and listen to music without being noticed.

But, Ms. Huhn decided to call on me, right when the singers started screaming in my ear. The noise tuned everything else out, so I didn't hear her talking until she was standing right in front of me.

"Are you going to join us today Ms. Rogers, or have you decided your music is more important than my class?" Ms. Huhn scolded.

"No." I murmured.

"What did you say?" She demanded.

"I said that my music is not important, and I will now pay full attention to your ridiculous lecture that will never matter to me once I get into the real world!" I sassily stated.

Ms. Huhn just stood there gaping until she finally came to her senses, "Out of my class! Now! I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day!" She screamed while pulling me out of my chair and through the door.

"You just earned yourself detention for the rest of the week!" She finished, then slammed the door in my face.

I stood there silently, just staring at the door. I hated the way my brain worked, I always blurted out what was on my mind without thinking. And now because of my big mouth, Lucius was going to receive a call from the school and I certainly was going to be beat because of it.

As I stood there, I decided that my beating would be worse if I went to detention and came home late, than if I just skipped detention. This led me to stumbling through the rest of my classes, though I did pay attention in my favorite class, art.

This week we were making stamps. We had to cut a design into a type of rubber using a little knife. I was making an outdoor scene, with trees and little birds flying all around, all the little details were very hard to cut around. It was tedious work, but it helped me take my mind off of all that was happening in my miserable life.

I was distracted by my thoughts and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. My finger slipped off the little knife and I watched in horror as it went into my finger.

I let out a little shriek, and grimaced at the site of my blood dribbling from the wound. Thankfully it was a small cut, but I still asked to go to the nurse's office, the teacher not even blinking an eye at the sight. Oh well, I guess teachers were used to this kind of stuff, they did deal with teenagers on a regular basis.

I went to the nurse's office and let them clean me up, making sure they didn't see the marks from Lucius, they would be too hard to explain.

I ended up walking out of the office with a bandage wrapped around my finger and a note explaining why I was late to class, but I decided that I didn't want to be at this crappy school any longer today. So, I gathered my stuff from my locker and headed out the door.

Once I was outside I tried to decide where to go. I didn't want to go home because that meant facing Lucius, and I didn't have any friends or relatives houses I could go to, so I ended up heading towards the cemetery to visit my mother's grave.


As I was walking I noticed a silver van parked next to the sidewalk I was currently on. I didn't think anything of it, until I passed it and the van slowly started moving behind me. It almost looked like it was following me, but why would they do that, there's nothing special about me.

I just shrugged my shoulders, thinking that if they were still following me after I turned the corner that I would run to get help.

I turned the corner that led towards the cemetery and before I could even think about running, I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a gruff voice growled.

"Running only prolongs the chase."

Then I felt a sharp prick on the side of my neck, and the world went black.

Oh cliffhanger! I wonder who kidnapped Alex? You'll just have to wait for the next chapter <3

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you had some fun and had some good food! Have a great day!

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