Flashback [PART 13]

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Tae and jimin were good cousins and their parents were in good relationship too. Tae's dad, jimin's dad and yn's dad were best friends and they three started one company together.

Mr. Lee: I am so happy.. Finally we made it!

Jaeheon: yes.. I am happy too.. Right taeheon?

Taeheon: hmm.. So let's go out for drink?

Mr. Lee: sure.

They three left the company and went to bar.
Time were passing like this.. Everyone were happy with each other but tae's dad wasn't happy that much.

Now tae's dad and jimin's dad were sitting in their study room when suddenly tae's dad said.

Taeheon: I think just we both should handle company.

Jaeheon: huh?! And why you are thinking like this?!

Taeheon: we both are brothers.. He is outsider.. What if he cheat on us?

Jaeheon: this can't happen ever.. He is trustworthy person.. He will never do this..

Taeheon: you know him so well?!!

Jaeheon: of course we are friends since so long.. And you know him too.

Taeheon left from there in anger while jaeheon sigh in disbelief.

Days were going like this.. Taeheon wanted to make a company his and his brother only so he was planning for something when suddenly he got one idea.

Taeheon: I am sorry my friend but i have to do this..!!

He smirk and called someone.


Taeheon: kidnapped Lee.
Mr. Lee were sitting in corner of basement, he checked everywhere and then take out his another phone from his hidden pocket and called his wife.


Mrs. Lee: hello..

Mr. Lee: h-hello..

Mrs. Lee: yn's dad..? What happened to you? Why are you sounding like this?!

Mr. Lee: listen to me carefully.. Taeheon and jaeheon kidnapped me.. They are not good at all.. You take our children and hide somewhere.. I.. I think I can't live now

Mrs. Lee: no.. Don't say like this!! Please.. Nothing will happen to you..!! I am coming with police

Mr. Lee: n.. No need of that.. Police can't do anything to them cause they have so much money to filled police's mouth.. Just take care of you and our babies..

Mrs. Lee: n-no.. Please dont say like this..!! Ple-


Mrs. Lee: H-HELLO..!! hello.. Talk t-to me..

Taeheon took phone from Mr. Lee's hand and throw it on floor which made it to broke in pieces.

Taeheon: hide his body.. No one should get to know about it!

Man: yes sir!

Taeheon: what's wrong with you?! Now that whole company will be our.

Jaeheon: he was our friend!!! We started company together and now you did this with him?! Just think about his children and wife.

Taeheon: we will give them money

Jaeheon: are you out of your mind?! You took their father and husband and what money will give them?!

Jieun (jimin's mom): talk calmly with oppa.. Jimin is here too..

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