💵fighting wolves🐺😡

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I walk down the halls of my university, surprisingly not bumping into anyone. In fact, the halls are completely empty... that can only mean one thing.... Scheiße! Ach nein! Ach nein! Ach nein! Scheiße! Scheiße! Scheiße! Sorry, I tend to curse in German when I freak out. Now your probably wondering why I'm freaking out. You see, the last time the halls were this empty, it was cause cam got in a fight and the fire alarm got pulled. Fook. I run through the halls, hoping to find them. I'm the only one who has the balls to break them up. Even the professors are scared. Lucky for them, I apparently have a death wish. I eventually find everyone huddled around, watching them beat the sh't outta each other. They were fighting like animals, like wolves. I'm not even thinking at this point. I step between them and shove the dude away. Cam looks at me like I just kicked a puppy... and he was the puppy. "You really should stop getting into fights" he rolls his eyes at me "yeah? And who the fook are you?" He snarles. He looks like an angry kitten... "Heloo? Earth to arsehole. You there?" He waves his hand in front of my face. "Huh?" Oh gods. I just zoned out in the middle of a conversation with him. "I said move outta my way b'tch" he roles him eyes again. "Gods, didn't anyone teach him a little thing called respect" "EXCUSE YOU!?" "oh gods, I said that out loud" "yeah, you did!" He moved his hand like he was gonna punch me, so I grabbed it.

He looked at me in complete shock. A sudden way of confidence came over me, so I looked him in the eyes, smirked, and said, "you done acting like a little brat yet, or do you need a bottle for nap time" I immediately felt guilty.. his face turned red from embarrassment, and he looked like he was gonna cry... everyone looked in shock, I think their expecting him to kick my arse... but he didn't... he hung his head in shame and simply walked away. Fook. I probably just messed up my only chance with him.. and worst of all, I made him cry. I have to fix this. Just need to figure out how...

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