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Fook. How do I get out of this conversation. I don't want to have to talk about her. Otis looks over at me. I already know where this is going. "Since you were a kid? Was there someone you went with? It's just, most kids don't watch ballet just for fun. Most find it boring. Did you know someone who liked ballet..?" There it is. Fook. Let's just get this over with. "I used to go with my mum. She went to space, but I kept going. She loved the shows..." hopefully he gets the hint. "Like an astronaut?" He looked at me confused. Idiot. I huff and roll my eyes. "Sure. Let's go with that." I watch as he slowly connects the dots. Realization flashes through his eyes. I can't fookin do this. I can't fookin talk about this. He won't get it. No one ever does. He'll just realize how broken I am and run away. They always do. "My sister is in space too.." what....? There's no way... "really?" I can feel the tears in my eyes. don't cry, dammit. Don't show weakness. "Yeah, she left awhile ago. It hasn't been the same without her.... she's the one who got me into dance in the first place.." He gets it! he actually gets it!
"Mum left when I was 11. " I've never told anyone that before... I stared down at my feet, waiting for him to say something back. Suddenly I was pulled into a hug. He didn't say anything, he just held me. I broke down right there in his arms. I could reach up to rap my arms around his chest since he had stepped off his board... when did he do that anyway..? Doesn't matter. I clung to him as my emotions hit me. Dammit. I wasn't supposed to cry. I could feel the tears running down my face. I'm probably ruining his shirt. He pulls me closer, which leads to me burying my face in his neck. My hair is probably all in his face. It's probably annoying. I try to pull away, even tho I don't want to he holds me tighter. "LET ME GO!" I try to shove him away. He's just gonna get tired of me. He continues to hold me. "Hush, little one. You're safe now. You're ok. You don't have to worry anymore" I go limp in his arms. He wraps my arms around his neck. I give up. He lifts my legs as I cling to his neck. He wraps me around his waist and wraps an arm around me. He uses his other arm to try to grab our boards but drops his latte in the process. My empty cup is setting on the ground. He awkwardly crouches down to pick up the cups. He tossed them in the trash swiftly then grabs the boards. He places them under his arm and walks out of the skatepark with me in his arms. Gods, I'm tired. A little nap won't hurt. Otty will take care of me...

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