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Brat. He's a tiny, little brat. Sassy too. Like a tiny poodle. He's short for his age at only 5'0(1.524 meters) and has the perfect hair. mein kleiner Pudel <3 "if this is gonna work, you can't keep spacing out on me!" He huffs, bringing me back to attention. "Sorry, I was just admiring you~" yesss! Good save! He blushes and covers his face. I smirk at him when I see Him peek through his fingers at me. He glares back. "You're cute when you're embarrassed." If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.. totally worth it. He slowly uncovers his face as he realizes we've stopped rolling back and forth at the bottom of the pool. He looks up at me as I'm a foot taller than him; "are we really doing this, cause if your just gonna blow me off, I'd like to know now." He stares me down with a completely straight face. "WAIT WHAT!?" I roll back slightly then roll forward again. "NOT LIKE THAT. YOU IDIOT!" His face turns red again. Jeez, I'm making him blush alot.
"I'm not gonna just leave you, I'm not that much of an arse" hell, I'm suprized he's even interested in me.. "Well, even if you did, I'd just track you down and cut your di€k off." How is he cute AND scary?? Its unnatural. I scoff and smirk "I'm not scared of you brat" if I feign confidence, he'll never know...
"Fake it till you make it" what...? "What?" Oh gods, he's onto me! "That's what your doing, you're pretending to be confident..." Gods help me.. " how'd you know?" Can he read minds or something? "Cuz' I do it every day. I'm better at it than you tho." He snickers at me. "Well, usually I don't have anyone to pretend to, so I don't have much practice. " fook, that sounded sad... now he's gonna think I'm all sad and mopy. He shakes his head at me, " How do you not have to fake confidence? You're a danseur." How does he even know that? Are shows aren't even that popular. "How'd you know I dance?" He rolls his eyes again. "You perform at the theater in town square every Saturday. I've been going there since I was a kid. It's a commitment." He had this sad look in his eyes, there is definitely more to this story..

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