Chapter Three

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THE PRINCESS WALKED away the moment Elsa disappeared from the crowd. Her droopy shoulders were the indication of her hurt feelings. As she unknowingly walks within the crowd with a lowered head, a large man accidentally bumps into her, causing her to fall off her balance again.

Before falling over the second time, a strong hand abruptly grabbed her.

"Hans!" she exclaimed.

The prince signaled his eyes that they play along and dance to blend in with the crowd. The two shared a moment on the floor before furtively exiting the Great Hall.

"Tell me, Your Highness, if it's not anything offensive, is it your habit to get bumped anywhere and fall? You know this is the second time you've fallen," said the prince.

Anna was a bit embarrassed. She didn't fully grow up with a "How to be a Proper Princess" guide beside her.

"Well, I guess you could say that I'm one ungainly princess in some manner. It's my first time going out to a jolly crowd that full after a long time."

They walked past the courtyard, strolling side by side like a cute couple just starting to know each other.

"Really? How come?"

"Well, for starters, Elsa and I used to be so close when we were kids but then one day she just shut me out and I never knew why. Since then, I haven't been in contact with anyone outside the castle."

"I heard the castle was isolated thirteen years ago."

"It was," Anna confirmed.

"Oh?" he merely exclaimed. The surprise on his face mildly holds him back from raising another question, "And it never opened since then?"

She gently shook her head. "Not until today, it's her coronation after all."

Hans nodded his head thoughtfully. "In my case, I actually have twelve big brothers."

"What? Twelve?" she effusively exclaimed.

Hans laughed at her adorable countenance. "Yep! And three of them pretended like I didn't exist for two years. Literally."

"I think that sounds a bit even messed up. I guess that's just how it goes for us with siblings."

The night was getting late when the two reached the maze garden. They talked and laughed while they exchanged various information regarding themselves. For instance, Hans can sing a song; he has quite a beautiful voice that Anna was nearly swept off her feet.

She parried up with his singing voice and they started a duet. That moment nearly appeared romantic; their voices blended in with that glamorous night, fireflies flying out into the air and the Moon beaming directly above them.

It was a dream come true for those who desired such moments but for Anna, the flushing of her cheeks the whole time actually had a different meaning.

"You have a very wonderful voice, Your Highness," Hans complimented. "For someone who hasn't been with a crowd for long, you seem to be very good at it."

"Oh, really? And what happened about constantly bumping into someone else?"

He smiled. "Well, that's a different story."

"This has been a fun night for me, Prince Hans. I was feeling a bit sad from earlier and then you came along and lifted my spirit. I really owe you one."

His dreamy eyes looked inviting; his cheesy smile was quite alluring and deceptive at the same time. But Anna knew that deep inside him he was a good man. She almost feels sorry for him.

"I had fun tonight. It was really nice meeting you, Prince Hans."

"The pleasure is mine, Princess Anna." Hans curtsied again. "I wish we could get to know more one another."

"As do I, my prince."

After Anna left, the smile plastering on Hans' face lingered still. He felt a little bit of warm sensation on his cheeks and unconsciously brought his palm to touch it. He laughs. "Am I actually blushing?"

He scoffs. "It's a good thing she left already. Can't afford her to see this."

As he started his pace to walk back into the party, a rustling sound coming from nearby him caught his attention. He looks around but the dim-lit maze was not much help for him to perceive his surroundings.

"Who's there?" he bravely called out. "Princess Anna, is that you?"

The rustling noise returned. Only this time it sounded so close.

Hans begins to panic. Fear was drawn all over his face.

"Who's there? I-is that you, P-princess Anna?" his voice trembled.

And then out of the bushes came out a dark figure with a glowing face and lunges unto him. Before the poor prince could yell for help his lips were sealed good with a cold substance.

His boots created a pattering sound as his feet wriggled underneath the dark figure as life slowly leaves him on that cold night.

QUEEN ELSA WALKED outside the balcony after she excuses herself. The thought of Anna wanting them both to be together again only ache her heart. It reminded her of the pain when she nearly killed her. Nothing of that event she wants to be repeated. She stayed inside, obliged to her parents' treatment of being a prisoner despite her being able to leave through the secret passage.

She isolated herself for as long as she could even though it was slowly killing her on the inside.

Anna was the mere warmth that makes her feel loved and accepted. Without her, she'd crumble into someone more dangerous. But the thought of being her near would also mean she is also subjected to a victim.

"I'm sorry, Anna. But I think this is the best for both of us." She looks up at the bright full moon.

"I missed you, too. I am still your sister but I can't be your friend."

A tear fell again and it froze the instant it glided to her cold cheeks. Her blood-red eyes had caused the red ice spikes to appear on her face again. It was glowing so beautifully that it attracted an ambassador's attention. He had intentionally asked to speak to her in private regarding the partnership of the kingdom he represents but he was stopped when he caught the glow on the queen's face.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty? What is that glow coming from your face? It looked really attractive."



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