Chapter Twenty

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A TALL DARK mist stood before them like a giant wall. Though it was mist but when Kristoff tried to pass through it, it solidified and blocked him. Anna's feeling of uneasiness only soared high than before they left the castle. She doesn't have a good feeling about the dark mist. Whatever it was covering behind it shouldn't be something they could call a good thing.

Elsa on the other hand was pondering the reason for calling her there. There must be a reason. But if Kristoff was blocked, then maybe...

She tried reaching out her hand to touch the mist and then suddenly... it parted a way for them.

"Hold on to me," she urged them.

The two held both her hands and they passed together through the dark mist. Their surroundings were mostly covered with mist, preventing them to perceive what was really around them. The only thing clear to their vision was the ground on which they are walking. It didn't take long until they reached the other side. Anna expected another magical place but it was extinguished when they reached what was beyond the mist.

It was a forest--- quite distant from being magical. Everywhere their eyes perceive is nothing but darkness, and it was cold. Anna sensed a strong ominous feeling. It sent shivers to their spines that Kristoff literally had to shake off his body.

"This place gives me the creeps," he admitted.

Who wouldn't feel it when every dark corner of it felt like someone devious was watching them from afar? The dim-lit ambiance was given off by the glowing leaves of the trees, but only if they were luminous in blue color maybe it could have lessened the eeriness.

"This red glows reminds me of your eyes, Elsa," Kristoff remarked.

The three soon advanced deeper into the forest. Apparently, the mist was a one-way out. Turning back is no longer an option. They've now accidentally locked themselves in. They paced forward, slowly and cautiously. They don't know what lurks around them. Anna's eyes are also restless since their arrival. The very crushing sound of their sole as they step on dry leaves already sparks her anxiousness.

From time to time she'd clench Elsa's hand. Elsa takes notice of her sister's perturbation. She stops and faces her.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" she softly asks.

"I-I think so. I just have a bad feeling about this place."

"I know. But the voice led me here for a reason. And the faster we find it the sooner we get out of here." Elsa smiles to console her sister. She tucked in a few loose strands behind her ear before tracing her jawlines again.

Anna was quite taken aback but fortunately, Elsa wasn't able to see it when Kristoff pulled her away from her.

"Come on, we have to keep moving. We might unknowingly be walking in a danger zone." Kristoff held Elsa's hand and Anna felt again a prickly sensation within her chest.

But she immediately brushed it off and followed them from behind. Elsa's been acting really strange ever since this voice came to her ears.

Perhaps, it might be because it's calling out to her or there is something else that Elsa is not telling her. Whatever it could be, Anna should not allow her to leave her sight. This new adventure of theirs could either pose peace for their kingdom or it might be another threat. The aggravated part could be is if this threat is bigger than before.

Her thoughts were intervened by a rustling sound coming from around them. The three instinctively gathered together. The rustling doesn't seem to be coming from one place.

"What's making that s-sound?" Anna's voice trailed off.

"Probably just an animal," Kristoff whispered. But his next action wrinkled Anna's forehead when he abruptly took out his sword.

"What are you going to do with that?" she asked.

"For protection."

As the sound encloses, they retreat away from it. Apparently, Kristoff's alertness allowed him to perceive its exact location and caught just in time when the bush moved.


He lunges and cuts the bushed, revealing a group of people wearing similar clothing designs.

"Lower your weapon," said the woman to Kristoff.

"And you lower yours," another man from behind them demanded.

Kristoff and Anna turn to see another party who wore similar uniforms to Arendelian soldiers.

Anna gasped and whispered, "They're our soldiers."

"You're invading our space, Captain," said the woman who holds a staff, long white hair with a grumpy expression.

"You're the ones invading my dance space, Yelena," the captain of the soldiers argued.

"Wait a minute!" Anna intervenes and approaches the captain. "I know you. I think I saw your portrait in our library."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" he inquired, raising one eyebrow.

"I am Princess Anna of Arendelle. And this is my sister, Queen Elsa of Arende---" Anna pauses the second she caught the shock in the captain's eyes. She knew already what it meant and when she turned to Elsa, it confirmed her thoughts.

"Queen, no! They're our men!" As if that stopped her before!

Queen has taken over again. The two new parties were all stunned and dumbfounded to see her monstrous appearance. But there was one person whose eyes Anna didn't see any surprise.

"Stay back, everyone! She's hungry!" Anna warned.

"Queen, stop it! Let her out!"

"Elsa, I know you can hear me! Don't let her control you!"

But Queen remained deaf and with the single motion of her hand, screams of the soldiers rose within the Dark Forest.

Their wails of misery and painful agony weren't muffled this time. Queen spared the trouble of sealing their mouths. She allowed them to sing this time, wondrous music that rang in her ears. Their pains and sufferings, she nearly tasted them--- and it was delicious. She consumed their very souls, fulfilling once more her frozen heart's desire. Unfortunately, the captain was spared when Anna valiantly decided to stand up for him, shielding him behind.

Queen smirked; amused to see that their sister now learned to fight back.

"What are you doing, Anna? We're not done yet."

"He's one of ours, Queen."

"When did we care?"

"Elsa cared."

"But she's not here." She raised an eyebrow, the evil smirk not brushing off her lips, eyes glowing blood-red, gleaming in wickedness. "Now, step aside, or you're next."

Anna was more determined. She heaves a deep breath and called once out once more her sister, "Elsa, I know you're in there. And I believe that you're not a monster and you're stronger than her."



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