Chapter Eight

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WHEN KRISTOFF SMILED at her, Anna confirmed it but she is still in a state of disbelief. Thirteen long years separated her and Elsa. It's no longer a wonder she'd know nothing about her sister or what she is like. Of course, knowing that her big sister possesses a power like that of ice and snow was enough already to throw her off guard but being capable to create new life? That's something she can't process yet.

Just how strong and powerful did Elsa become that she can now create actual life with her bare hands?

If Anna should think about it, could it be possible for Elsa now to create a human life? Such as people like their mother and father? But that'd be like bringing the people back from the dead. she mentally shook her head. What was she thinking?

Who knows if Elsa even wanted to create such things as those? Who knows if she even wanted any of this to happen?

"Hey, are you alright?" Kristoff softly asks upon noticing Anna's silence.

She sighed. "I was just thinking. Do you think Elsa would've wanted any of this?"

Kristoff initially doesn't want to answer that question. That wasn't the first time she asked him about it but all the time she'd always demand him his honesty. Sadness engulfed his eyes as his horse takes a slow pace with its head lowered.

"You know already my answer to that," he whispered.

"But I love my sister very much, Kristoff," she sobbed. "I love her so much. I never wanted to lose her."

"I know. Which is why we're doing this all."

A STRONG GUST of wind had blown the snowflakes afloat the village, they were moving sluggishly, defying gravity and their natural flow during winter, looking like frozen in time. The snowflakes were blown upward, and the breeze bore a chilly sensation but for Elsa who was immune to the cold, it ironically fired her up.

The wind cleared up the environment, revealing how the small village had dissipated into thin air along with its people. A refreshed Elsa stands outside the balcony of her castle made of ice. She inadvertently created it out of the explosion earlier.

Elsa walked back inside, her ice-made kitten red heels gently echoing on her flawless ice floor. She gazes upon the walls of her ice castle, eyes glittering with admiration.

At the top of the mountain, there Elsa had taken the entire village and built a castle of her own, quite very fitting for a queen like her.

Gone were her formal coronation outfit and French braided crown twist bun hair that was held together with a blue ribbon. After she transformed the village, she also transformed herself.

Her hair was in a loose French braid that swept over her left shoulder, tied with a hairband with a crystal-like red snowflake on it. It is now woven with red snowflake incrustations and wisps of her bangs slicked back on top of her head with a smaller piece resting down on her forehead. Her hair even grew thicker and longer than it was and has now reached her waistline.

Her formal gown was replaced with a crystal-black off-the-shoulder dress made out of black ice with a right knee-high slit, a crystallized bodice, and translucent powder dark grey sleeves. Her long transparent floor-sweeping black cape of sheer ice decorated with large red snowflakes attached to the back of her bodice flows behind her like fairy wings.

She looked even more majestic now with the large pieces of red crystals that emerged around her head, making it look like she was wearing a large crown made of ice. The red ice spikes on her face arranged themselves starting from both sides of her temples, parading down the side of her cheeks until her chin. They all marvelously glow.

Her blood-red eyes express her desire to crave even more souls. She used to refuse to believe that more souls mean more life to her and more power. But after devouring the entire village by accident, she felt empowered! She felt even stronger than before!

"Oh, Anna, if only you could see us now, I know you'll fall to your knees and wonder in awe." She chuckled upon admiring her majestic reflection on the ice wall. "I've craved for all your love because I believed it would suppress this curse of mine. But it turns out, I was wrong all along."

"I don't need your love. I don't need any of you! I, the Queen of Arendelle, will rule this land and devour every soul that would resist me and I will be unstoppable!"

No! I don't want this! Let me out of here! Anna! Help me!

MEANWHILE IN THE castle, a loud galloping and animal whine nearly startled the people in the courtyard when the princess' horse came fast approaching.

"It's Princess Anna's horse!"

Kai instantly calmed the horse. "What could have happened? Why did the horse return alone?"

"Something must have happened to the princess!" The people shortly clamored in a panic. If their princess met her end at the mountain, what will now become to them?

"Do not panic everyone." The Duke of Weselton took this opportunity to earn the people's trust. "I have already arranged several guards to follow after the princess and the queen should a situation as this occurs. I will go forth and fetch them both and return them here in the kingdom."

"Arendelle is indebted to you, my lord. Please do so and bring them both back," said a servant.

"I will, madam." Inwardly, the duke does intend to bring them both back but his words actually meant something else.

"Are you sure you want to come with us?" asked a royal soldier after they've exited the premises of the kingdom.

"Of course, I want to make sure that you'll do your job well."

"But I thought you said we'll be returning them both?"

"Oh, I did." He cackled. "We'll return their corpses to their people!"



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