Chapter 15

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~Song of the chapter:"Young and Beautiful" by: Lana Del Rey~

Dally's POV:
She runs into the house before everyone else. I don't even think for a second that she would try and scare me. But, when I open the door she tackles me and I land on the couch with her on top of me.
"Holy crap!" I yell surprised and feel the stitches on my stomach tear a bit.
She is laughing like crazy and then she just flat out kisses me. The wound in my stomach hurts like hell, but I swear every problem went away for a split second. Then everything comes back and I grab my stomach.
"Holy crap, I'm sorry! I completely forgot!" She yells jumping off of me.
"It's fine" I say trying not to sound in too much pain.
Ponyboy's POV:
Everyone is happy for now. This is a good change. Morrigan really liked Johnny and it sucks to think that she never even got a chance with him. On the other hand, Raina and I are going good! I'm gonna ask her to be my girl soon. I have no idea how to ask her though. I'm gonna talk to Dal and Sodapop about it. I get real nervous around her. It's like there's butterflies in my stomach. Is that normal? She's just so pretty. She likes me too I think, but it's kinda hard to tell. Girls are complicated.
"Hey Dal?" I ask him.
"Yeah kid?"
"How'd you get my cousin to be your girl?" I ask him referring to the girl sleeping with her head in his lap.
"Well, we both liked each other and I don't know, we just clicked" he said looking at her.
"Well, I like Raina and I'm pretty sure she likes me too. So... How do you know when it's the right time to ask her?" I ask.
"You'll know when it's the right time."
"Thanks Dal" I say thinking to myself.
"No problem man."
I though about what he said. Raina walked Morrigan home and said that she was gonna come back afterwards. Her parents are working all the time.
That's when Raina bursts in the door.
"Miranda!!!" She screams.
"Huh?" Randa asks rubbing her eyes.
"There's a giant sale at the new store down town! And they have really cute stuff!".
"Well I need new clothes anyway, I won't fit in these for much longer."
"Hurry up! It ends at 7!"
Randa looks up at the clock.
"Shit! It's already 6!"
Miranda grabs her blade off of the coffee table and runs out the door.
Randa's POV:
I'm running down the street with Raina and I see a green mustang out of the corner of my eye.
"Raina, run faster!" I shout at her.
"Why?" She says turning around then sees what I'm talking about. She can run faster than me. I think Ponyboy said something about her being in track. The mustang swerves in front of everyone her and I catch up with her as soon as they start to get out of their car. I whip on my blade and put her behind me. I hold out my blade and they step back a bit. "Hey grease, I heard you got knocked up by that player Dallas! Have fun raising a kid on your own!" One of them say laughing.
"Shut the fuck up. Say, how long have you been waiting for that flood to come?" I shout at the one who yelled at me referring to their high-water pants. "Quite a while, huh?"
"Grab her!" One of them say. The last time Ponyboy and I got jumped, I was surprised. This time, I'll be ready.
I duck from one of the socs punches then stand up and deck him in the face with the opposite hand that I hold my knife in. I take my blade and slice his arm open. "You bitch!" He yells out in pain. The other soc takes a swing at me and I side step away from the punch. He comes back at me and I kick him square in the junk. He falls to the ground in pain and while the other socs are busy caring to their friends, we make a break for it. We run all the way back to the Curtis house without stoping. I walk into the house and Dal see's my blade with blood on it. "Babe! What happened?!" he asked standing up from the couch.
"Some socs tried jumping us and I stabbed him in the arm" I say bluntly.
"Good going" he says laughing. Ponyboy hugs Raina, twirling her around.
"Raina?" He says. "Will you be my girl?".
A/n: Hai guys! Well, I'll try and update a tomorrow! In the meantime, Stay Gold

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