Chapter 1

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A/N: Well I can only hope you guys like my story soooo please read and comment any advice you have😊
~ Miranda❤️
Randa's POV:
I wake up in Ponyboy's bedroom again. Soda doesn't like me to sleep on the couch. He must have brought me in here again. I am so grateful to actually have some people who care. I've been here for a week now and I already feel better. I now have a few friends. It's a big difference than back in Phoenix with my dad. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
I hop out of bed and grab my duffle bag off the floor and trudge towards the bathroom. Only to be blocked in the living room by Two-bit. "Can you not?" I rudely utter.
I squeeze by him while he's trying to find a funny comeback. I finally get to the bathroom. I peel off my PJ's and slip into a pair of skinny jeans, black T-shirt, and all black converse. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and take my hair out of its bun and let my dirty blonde, mid-back length hair flow into its natural place. I brush my teeth and I exit the bathroom. I am met by the one and only Dallas Winston. "You took long enough," he growls. I had a crush on Dally when I had lived here before. In fact, when I first saw him when I got back, I fell for him all over again. He's a very confusing person because he flirts with me, yet he's so rude to me.
I flop on the couch in between Steve and Pony. Two-bit is sitting on the floor paying close attention to Mickey Mouse. Steve wasn't paying attention to his plate so I slowly pinch a piece of his chocolate cake off. Just as I put the cake in my mouth he realized what I did. He jumps up and yells "Hey!" He gets up and moves to the other side of the couch, revealing Dallas. He scoots over and whispers in my ear: "Wanna go to the drive in with Pony, Johnny, and me?" Just as I open my mouth to reply, Darry calls me into the kitchen. As I get up I nod to Dallas and he flashes me a smile. I honestly don't get him sometimes.
Dally's POV:
Randa's coming to the drive in with me! Well Pony and Johnny too. I've been trying to get her attention since she's been back. I've gotta say she's a good lookin' broad! She walks back into the room and I can tell she's happy.
A/N: Sooo.... Whatcha think should I keep going or nah? Okay well please comment!

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