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Y/n pov

Daddy's been ignoring me I know he's been busy but every time I go up to him he pushes me out of the room telling me to go to bed.I don't like it it hurts like when mommy would punch me when I cried.mommy was never nice Evan though I can barely remember her.daddy not like that I hope,he never hited me or hurt me physically.Mabey uncap error can tell me what's going on.I ran out of my room and to where uncle error is. "UNCLE ERROR" I screamed.then I saw it...I saw error lowing down from the ceiling using his string and sang Isabel's part of "we don't talk about brono" "hahahahahaha" I laughed then error stared at me then crash in sight.

   Time skip

  After a couple hour of waiting for uncle error to reboot "haven't you ever heard of knocking befor" I heard uncle error say. " ohh come on.....it was funny did you get any others to do it with you" "nope just me" "ok I have a question....do you know why daddy has been ignoring me it's starting to hurt because even though I was a baby I remember that the person who used to be my mommy would hit me when I cryed like it was going to stop anything" I looked up and saw error not there.'must of teleported away' I started to cry and cry

But nobody cared

Error pov

I feel bad for teleport away like that especially when she started to cry but we need to focus on saving ink then we can relax and pay attention to her. I walked away from the corner I was hiding be hide.

  Y/n pov

Fine if no one cares then I will leave.I bet they won't evan notice if iam not somebody they should be cared about.I walked to my room and found a suitcase and pack the important stuff and climes down from the window.once I touched the ground I ran away.

  Nightmares pov

I was sitting in my office trying to come up with a plan to save the real ink. When I heard a knock at the door. " come in" I said.error walked in. "Hey nightmare do you realize you've been hurting you child" he said. " what do you mean" " I mean the fact that you've been ingnoring her ever sense we thought of our next course of action" i prodded thr information and I realized he was right. "I will go hang out with her" I got up from my seat and walk to her door and knocked there was no response.I knocked again... still no response I opened the door to see she was nowhere to be seen then I realized I counted feel her pedants at the castle I saw the windo open and looked out there was a rope tied to a poprd out brick. Ohh no she must of ran away.

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