Chapter 1

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The library is always quiet in the mornings. Several large shelves reaching the high ceiling. The hum of the air conditioning at the front doors where the desk is located.

I sat at the last row of school computers. These were hella new and look so expensive. I am glad I wrote those 3 essays to get that scholarship to send me here for the next 2 years.

Browsing I look at some new Kpop groups on Instagram. Ah~ I have a soft spot for the emotionally unavailable men, but are sweet once you get to know them. I log off the computer after I'm done.

I take a look at my phone, its a older model then what everyone else has, I don't understand why people get new phones. Mine is 3 years old and works fine. I unlock my screen and see it's time for me to head to class.

It feels colder, feels like something is swimming in my stomach. Going to the 2nd week of class of the Fall semester just feel so alone.

I haven't made any friends yet. But with my adorable face and sweet personality it won't take too long.

Anthony my brother is stationed at a nearby military base hasn't come to see it either. I live here at the dorms not even 20 minutes away. He is 29, why can't he visit his little sister?

Picking up my solid black backpack Anthony gave me, I try to shake out my jitters. "We can do this."

I hate being the new kid. Especially since most of these kids have money. I am proud of where I come from but, these snobby brats get on my last nerve!

Their school is amazing so many things my old school couldn't can't even afford. The interior of this place is wild, in a good way of course. But, I have been trying to hide behind the class but this little blond girl has been bugging me since I arrived.

"So, where are you really from? You don't look like an--"

"You finish that sentence I will show you exactly where I am from." I snap at Historia clenching my jaw.

"Are you threatening my girlfriend, Mexican?" Ymir, the freckled faced scary lady. I am about to jump this bitch. I have never fought a day in my life but, I am not gonna fight "fair".

"Bite me little girl." I lean foward, "I will even let you hit me first."

The bell rings loudly. Ymir winks and takes a hold of her girlfriends hand as well her her pretty perfect backpack and they leave together.

As soon as they leave a slouched over. That was so scary! Deep breath. I hate these underclassmen.

These I am a junior scared of them. Getting my things, I am looking forward to the free period. I can go back to my dorm, go for a walk, go eat anything I want!

I might not be rich but my scholarship pays for meals, housing, school supplies and any medical. What more could I need?

I step out into the colorful hallway and look outside the big glass windows. I see a notebook flying at me, I reach out and grab it before it hits me.

"Go home brown girl!" I see two tall white kids running away. Right, I could use some friends.

Well I have a new notebook to add to the pile. I skim through it and see some racist pictures and words but if I rip these few pages out then its a solid note book.

I haven't been to the Cafeteria here. I have been usually hiding in my room but, this time I heard that there is a scary group of upper classmen like me. I wanna find them. I have a few classes with one of them. Levi Ackerman.

He definitely gives off bad boy vibes. He has not noticed me. I think, I have my 1st class with and and our history classes are right next to each other Which is weird cause we have 3 classes together. But, I have been to shy to say hi too.

Also, he is terrifying! His eyes are sharp, calm and very calculating. I haven't heard him speak at all but, he is always looking his best. He's probably super popular.

After getting my food and looking around for a place to sit I go ahead and sit by myself. In the middle of this whole place.

I enjoy the natural lighting and seeing the town. Every now and then I see a few robots delivering food, water hell even towels. They are so cute!

"Hey new girl." This absolutely agitating grating voice interrupts my train of thought.

"Historia, God I really envy the people who don't know you." I turn to face her. Water is splashed on my black tee.

I look at her blankly. I see that the 2 white boys who threw the note book at me are with her. "Oops," Historia smiles innocently.

I push my chair out to stand up purposely knocking in to her making her fall back against her tall boys.

"Oops." I say taking my things and sitting look for a table to sit with. A few tables away I see a sexy buff white student sitting with a the exentric brunette I have in my last class.

I spot Ymir coming my way. Her expression is deadly. I make my way a quickly as I can to them and sit down.

"Hey! Sweet lady, how are you?" The brunette pulls me into a hug. I am grateful. I hug her back, "Hi, thanks." I slowly sigh.

After a kinda long hug I look and see Ymir and Historia are nowhere in sight. Instead Levi stood in front of me placing is backpack down and settling next to me. He wore a white tee and and some black slacks, very business looking.

"Tough being the new girl huh! I'm Hange Zoe from your Economic class." Hange, I remember her now. She told me she liked my purple hoodie on the first day off class. She is wearing a lab coat and sweatpants and a long green t-shirt with a funny logo.

She points over to Levi who is taking out his lunch. She side eyes me, "That grumpy old man is Levi Ackerman, don't mind him. You stole is seat today."

Before I can apologize Hange turns my head to look at the buff guy. "Our student council president Erwin Smith!" He is the best look dressed school uniform with a high end tie with cufflinks.

"Yarazeth, good to meet you. I see that the underclassmen are causing you some problems." He shakes my hand. Wow he has an amazing voice. Really attractive and smooth.

"N-Nothing I-I can't handle." Why am I stuttering?! I put my hand back. "Thank you for saving me Hange." I notice I got her shirt wet too.

"Haha, this is nothing. You should thank Levi he is the one who really scared them off." She reaches over and pats his shoulder. He shoves her hand away.

A robot beeps at him. Levi leans over picking up his drink from the robot. "Th-Thanks Levi. Sorry for taking your seat, we can switch or maybe I should leave?"

"Tsk, its fine. You can stay with us." Levi hands me some napkins. Wow~ his voice is so much deeper than I thought it was going to be.

I think I have made some new friends! "I have an extra shirt you can have Yarazeth." Hange pulled an oversized T-shirt with a weird drawing on it.

"No one wants that shitty shirt 4 eyes." Levi gave her a blank look. "You can borrow my jacket." Levi handed me a white jacket that he pulled out of his backpack.

I take it, I am kinda cold and my grey top is kinda see through. "Thank you Levi," i say with a smile. Lunch went off without any more incidents. After Lunch I had 2 classes with Levi which we walked together to.

He is slightly taller than me. He doesn't talk much but when he does his deep low pitch voice makes me hang on to every word he says. I may have a small crush on him. I am overall I am so grateful that I found them, I have some new friends!

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