Chapter 2

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At the end of the day, the 22nd floor dormitory looked magnificent. With the sun set painting the paying the building in orange, purple and red hues. On top of the building and some of the windows are solar powered! This school is very secure with it's modern sleek fences. This is nothing like back home. I have my own studio apartment on the 3rd floor. I always wanted to live somewhere that had stairs.

I've shown pictures to my older sister and Anthony. Scanning my ID to enter the building I see my brother in his military uniform!

He came to see me! I run as fast as my leg will take me and give him a hug! "Yay you came to see me!" I giggle and smile.

"Heh, yeah good to see you freak. Listen I need you to come with me Friday night. I have a job for you." Anthony is the best brother ever he's 13 years older than me and is really strong. We look just alike too.

He mostly always protects me. He has custody of me after my school found out my parents were abusing me. I was quickly taken away from them. It's weird that I miss them. My mom wasn't always bad to me.

"Now, show me your place," Anthony rubs my hair, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Tada! Look how amazing this place looks! There's nothing like back home."

I showed Anthony my bedroom a nice full bed with lots of cushions. A few plushies I bought myself. The long closet and bathroom. That's kinda empty right now.

"I know its kinda bare but I will make it homey." Everything here is high end. I once looked up a simple glass cup and it sold for $150 in American dollars.

"I'm glad a waste of space like you isn't taking all the free spaces here." Anthony laughs. He jokes a lot, sometimes it sounds harsh.

I laugh, "Funny, I am working hard. Did you know we can take our classes online too if we are sick?"

Anthony says nothing. He looks annoyed. What did I say? "Good for you. Well now, I have seen everything I need to go."

No! Don't leave me again! "Wait, um maybe I can make us food?" He just got here! I don't want him to leave me again.

"I am good, feed yourself. Bye freak." With that he walked out the door. Tears rolled down my face. What did I do? Why did he leave me?

He has a house here. Why can't I live with him? I numbly walk to the front door and lock it. Titan tech seals the walls and dims the lights.

The floating orb in my room dings and reminds me to eat. Not tonight.

Cool air blows from the sides of the walls. The blinds close and I change into some old t-shirt and shorts.

In the bathroom waterfall sounds play and I open my box of pads to get my medication for my anxiety. My fingers tremble uncontrollably.

"Please open!" The bottle slips out of my hand into the sink. It sways back and forth. Deep breath. I take hold of it hand open it. "Good job freak."

I took classes from the comfort of my dorm. I am glad I didn't see Ymir or Historia today. But, I am going to miss Levi, Hange and Erwin. I hope they won't stop being my friends once they see how depressed I get.

I am feeling awful today. I have been taking my medication every 3 hours. I hate feeling this way. I know if Anthony knew I was on medication he would have something rude to say.

He's like mom sometimes, maybe worse than her. I need a a break. "Zeth, you have visitors." The titan orb shows me a video of outside my door. Its Hange, Levi and Erwin!

"Heyyyy! Yarazethhh! We brought you food." Hange waves at the camera. It seems all 3 of them are wearing the school uniform today. Which is a Black, green and white plaid skirt or pants with a same pattern bow tie. White buttons up and school blazer. Mine is coming in in the next few days. I can't wait to wear it.

I look like crap! Ugh!! I rush out of bed. Falling out on the cold floor. "Titan, tell them I will be there in 3 minutes!"

I brush my teeth and change into a flower printed dress. I made the bed and run over to open the door. They all look at me with a surprised look.

"Ah its my hair isn't it." I forgot to brush it. Actually, my black wavy hair doesn't look too bad right now.

"No, you have big boobs." Hange stated. Her bluntness made me laugh. I lean back, laughing, holding on to the door. "Jajajajaja! Ahh... That's funny. Hange my boobs are not big." I look at myself they look normal to me.

They slowly come in. "Ignore her, we came to see you. Levi said you missed your first 2 classes." Erwin hands me a small white vase with pink and blue flowers.

How sweet! I take them and place them on the kitchen island. "Thank you for visiting me. That really nice of you. I'm just feeling kinda down."

"Look at her plushies!" Hange squeals. I look to see her touching my RJ plushies! Gosh she moves fast!

"RJ!" I rush over and swiftly take them from her. I snuggle with them before setting them down on my bed.

"For someone who isn't feel well you are a fast runner." Levi examines me.

"We got you food too." Hange leads me by my shoulders into my kitchen. "Erwin and Levi made it. So its gonna be good."

I smile an them both and thank them. "Thank you all for checking in on me. I appreciate it it so much."

"If you want we can stay and eat with you, then we will buzz off." Hange sits at the island chairs.

"Yeah, I would like that." I softly smile at them.

(1 week later)

Anthony found a place for me to practice my singing and I get to perform 2 nights out of the week. I get tips from it, too. About $60 a night.

I get to see him a few times a week now.  Levi, Hange, and Erwin and I have gotten closer. I show Hange all the K-pop idols I like, Erwin sometimes takes an interest too.

Levi helps me out with studying for quizzes. Hange is right he is grumpy. But like a cute grumpy cat.

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