Chapter 4

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room. The sun is coming in. Its definitely a guys room. I see a few trophies for soccer on the wall. The walls are painted a faint blue. Their are several book cases around the room. These books look complex. An organized study area next to the large window. The warm sun shines brightly blinding me.

This bed is so big! The silk bedding with grey and white asanoha (hemp leaf) pattern. I look around the room scanning and see a titan orb! Yes what information do you have? "Titan what's my name." I asked.

"Your name is Levi Ackerman. Hope you have a good morning sir." Titan glows grey and blue as it answers.

I am in Levi's room? How did I get here? I see I am still wearing my same clothes from last night. Ugh, sleeping in jeans is not it. I see the bathroom door open. Padding over I turn on the lights.

This is even bigger then my dorm's bathroom and closet combined! Kenny and Levi are loaded. Enough! I wanna change, find clothes. There's no time to look at everything.

I find regular looking drawers and find clothes. It's some of Levi's shirts and shorts. He has some comfy casual wear. I put them on. I'm sighing with relief after getting my pants off. His clothes fit me pretty well at a bit big in some areas. These shots have deep pockets! I can fit my whole hand and then some.


"AAAAAAH!" I scream and jump back. A cold shiver runs down my spine to my toes. Levi puts his hands up, "Sorry. You hungry? Holy shit, your face."

I feel the lump where my brother punched me. I take a look in the mirror.



I look hideous. A freak. Thats right he left me... If I see him again I will murder him! "So is Kenny your dad? What does he want with me?" I change the subject.

"Kenny is my uncle. I don't know what deal he had with your brother. But we can both find out at breakfast." He motions for me follow him. "We have our first aid kit downstairs too. Does it still hurt?" His plump lips formed into a concerned frown.

We go down the stairs to the kitchen. "Yeah a bit." I finally answer. White marble counter with royal blue trimmings and cabinets. The door was wide open with the screen door letting some air in.

Kenny walks in from outside,  eating an apple. Letting the cool air in. "You kids up early. I didn't know you both knew each other."

"Spill it, old fart." Levi said has he started heating some water on the stove his arms crossed. Then he looks at me and starts looking inside the cabinets. All I want to do is hide.

Kenny got some box of donuts out of the fridge and set them down on the table in front of me. "Ms Yarazeth your brother. Made me your legal guardian. Why? No clue, however the Sargent hired me for a job. Did the job. He's slowly paying me back. Now I'm bleeding him dry. He's a piece of shit. So, he gave me you. Collateral."

"You weren't gonna tell me this?" Levi asked, annoyed. He pulls out a big red box.

Kenny bites down into the apple, and I take a donut from the box. Not knowing what to think or do. "She was supposed to stay in the dorm. I got a message last night on the burner that he was dropping her off. Went last night to check her dorm, but fucker trashed it." Gross he talks with his mouth full.

"You both aren't going to school on Monday. We're gonna have to figure out, how to live with her." Kenny finishes the apple and throws it away. He helps Levi look for something in the box. He pushes all the bandages and ointments to the side making a mess. Levi glares at him as he does it.

I look at both of them. They seem to sigh defeated. "Did you two fuck? Why she wearing your clothes?" Kenny points to me then Levi with a confused look on his face.

Levi takes the water off the stove and makes tea, "Thats disgusting Kenny. I was on the couch last night."

"Why? I gave you that big ass bed for a reason. 4 people can sleep on there. This is what I mean." Kenny groans, "You two divide up the space. I am not making a bedroom for you." Kenny scowls and takes a donut chomping down on it.

I leave the kitchen and sit down in the living room. They argue with each other.
[8 pm]

I haven't said or ate much today. I don't feel like much of a person at all. Kenny put some cream on my face for the bruises. He's not bad at all. Still a tall motherfucker.

He likes to drink and he told me house rules. Help Levi clean, do my own laundry, don't go into any rooms without him or Levi that I don't know as he works with dangerous tools.

Don't play in the forest after dark because I can get lost. Always have homework done before bed.

He said I can even keep my singing gig if I wanted too. Levi got his own car too. He's getting taught how to drive by Kenny.

Its been fun to watch. Levi is bad a breaking. Kenny looked so car sick when he got out.

Right now, Levi and I are putting the 3 boxes of my things around his room.

I put my clothes away and Levi put away books and posters. "You don't feel weird that all these posters are looking at you?"

"Pffft. No, they bring me comfort." I finish putting my clothes away. I see Levi has put my plushies on one side of the bed. He is currently setting the posters down on the desk area. I will probably hang them up around the house. That will freak out Kenny I'm sure.

"So with your bed being so big and us being short, I think you can sleep the normal way and I can sleep on the end of the bed?" I walk back to the king sized bed.

"Sure, or you places your plushies in a row and don't cross it. Not that I think you would touch me or I you. Just giving you another option." Levi stands by the large window looking outside.

I nod, "Honestly, I wish I was anywhere but here. I should have stayed with my sister. Maybe none of this would have happened."

I sit down on the edge of Levi's bed. Pinching at the covers. Finally deciding to hold my plushie instead. "Well, I'm glad I met you." He sounds sincere. My throat feels tight like someone is choking me.

I am not sure why, but his words cut me deep. They made me both happy and so unbelievably sad. How could he, someone I met recently care more about me than my own bother? Tears start to blur my vision. Crap!

I started crying. Hugging my plushie so hard. Levi walked over to my side and gave me a hug. I held him so close, hot tears falling from my eyes. "I'm sorry,"

My throat felt sore as I tried to hold back my sobs. Half of my face hurting is helping either. FUCK ANTHONY! Why, why do I still love my brother. "Don't apologize Yarazeth." Levi said softly.

My body told me not to cry. I know Levi wouldn't hurt me but, I couldn't cry as hard as I wanted to. He just held me and that was all I needed right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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