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Original.E: I decided my vibe 💅
| Tagged: ElizabethOlsenofficial |
8.901k likes | 2.345 comments

Ashleyolsen: so is this what my sister has been up to
--> ElizabethOlsenofficial: 🤷🤷

UserA: 🚢🚢

Florencepugh: #Grolsen
--> Original.E: tf is grolsen ??
--> florencepugh: Greenwood+Olsen= Grolsen.
--> Original.E: you are so dumb 😐

Userb: I love Florence ship-name

Userc: #grolsenforlife

ElizabethOlsenofficial: #grolsen
--> UserA: 🚢🚢
--> Userd: 🚢🚢🚢
--> Userf: 🚢🚢
--> Scarlett.Johansson: 🚢🚢🚢🚢


Lizzie 💞
Hey Elle I have a question.

Ask ahead Liz.

I really like someone and I need your advice.

YOU, need MY advice? You know that
I have never been in a relationship, right.?

Lizzie 💞
Ik but your the only one that will understand.

Sorry Liz, later maybe. Gotta film.


For unknown reasons Iam sad. And apparently Florence saw that to.

Flo: you okay?

Elle: I don't know flo, I don't know.

Flo: did something happened?

*I nodded*

Elle: something did happened Flossie.

Flo: want to explain what has happened?

Elle: so Lizzie texted me saying that se likes someone and asked for my advice, why would she ask me for advice. I have not dated anyone. She said that I'll be the only one to understand and then for some reason I lied to lizzie saying that I have to go film. And no I think she's mad a me.

Flo: so your jealous?

Elle: what?!

Flo: well it's obvious you like Lizzie, and now you're jealous.

Elle: first of I am not jealous, and second of all I DON'T LIKE LIZZIE

??: What?



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