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Original.E: home is were the heart lays.
| Tagged: ElizabethOlsenofficial|
2.3mil likes | 9.389k comments

Florencepugh: So proud of you 2 🥰

ElizabethOlsenofficial: 💕💕
--> Original.E: ❤️❤️


Userd: about dang time

Scarlett.Johansson: so happy for you 2
--> Original.E: thank you scar.

Real life convo.

*Lizzie walks over to were Elle was sitting, she waved her leg over Elle's leg*

Lizzie: hey Elle Greenwood.

Elle: hello Elizabeth Chase Olsen, why are we using full name?

Lizzie: just shut up

*Lizzie grabs Elle her face and kisses her*

Elle: oww Hello.

*She smirked and pulled her back in*


They just made out🤷🤷... Nothing more

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