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TW: mention of suïcide.

At around 10 pm that evening Elizabeth comes home.

"How dare you" said Florence
"You disgust me" Flo pushed Lizzie

"What, why, what happened" Liz ask

"You broke her heart, she loves you. And you just decide to go fuck someone else. Good job Elizabeth you just fucked her up again" Florence yelled.

"What do you mean again?"



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Original.E: Soon I'll be as pretty as the sunset, I love you my love
| Tagged: @ElizabethOlsenOfficial |
1.4 mil likes | 0 comments

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* Elle's phone *

20 texts from Flossie
70 missed calls from Flossie

63 texts from mama spider
87 missed calls from mama spider

193 texts from Lizzie 💞
66 missed calls from Lizzie 💞

17 texts from tin man
3 missed calls from tin man

43 texts from Mackie
31 missed calls from Mackie

5 texts from mom
2 missed calls from mom



Hey my love,

Bit of a heavier chapter, I want you all to know that of suicide crosses your mind remember that somewhere their is someone that wants to listen to you and help you. Iam one of the ppl you can Message. I'll always listen.

Also I want to thank you all for the votes and viEws like 12k is crazy.

Bye bye loves

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