Chapter three

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                  It was around the afternoon, when Geppetto heard the door chime, a woman walked in holding a small little keepsake box, she had dark long hair and green eyes; she smiled friendly at him. "Hello, signore." "How can help you today, Signora?" She smiled once more, faintly blushing. "Well, I need your help. I have received this keepsake box from a relative but yet I cannot get the led to close." Geppetto took the box from her. "Well, let me take a look at this for a moment." The woman waited patiently as Geppetto went into the back room and saw the vivid problem. "Well, the problem here is the henge is broken." Geppetto said, softly while the woman looked with him. "Is it far beyond repairs?" Geppetto looked up, his heart pounding softly. "Not far beyond but might have to replace a few parts."

The woman smiled, looking rather relieved. "How much will it all cost me?" "Well, it depends on what type of parts I have to use. But since, it's your first time here, I'll fix it for free." "No, I couldn't ask that of you, I have money." She started taking the money out from her wallet. "No, signora. I'm positive. I'll do it for free, just make sure you spread the word for me." The woman nodded, "I don't know how I can ever thank you." "Don't worry about that, signora. It's alright, you could tell me your name." "Oh, how rude of me, my name is, Sophia." Geppetto smiled, "That's a beautiful name." He coughed a little correcting himself. "That's a rather lovely name, signora Sophia."

"Oh, signore Geppetto you're flattering me so." She was still blushing a little. "How many days do you think the box will be fixed?" "Give me about three days." Sophia smiled and thanked him as she walked out of the shop, although it was primary a toy shop, Geppetto's father had taught him woodcarving from a young age. And so he was willing to teach Pinocchio the same as the business ran within the family. 

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